Web API Interview Questions

Top Web API Interview Questions and Answers for 2022 Interviews

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Do you know what web APIs are? There are a lot of people who don’t, but as developers and web programmers, you probably use them every day. As an objective of this blog, we want to help you to answer the most frequently asked questions about web APIs in job interviews. So, if you are preparing for a technical interview on Web APIs then, we provide you with detailed Web API Interview Questions and Answers here. Here, you can check out the list of Web API Interview questions that have been answered below in this blog. Have a look, and if you find yourself asking any more questions on APIs then just leave them here.

About Web API: A web API is a collection of rules and specifications that allow software components to communicate with each other. A web API defines how software components should interact with each other to exchange data. This allows different components to be written in different programming languages, and it also allows the components to be hosted on different servers. Web APIs can be very helpful in integrating different software applications. For example, a bank could use web APIs to interface with its online banking service.

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Web API Interview Questions

1. Explain Web API?

2. Who is able to consume the Web API?

3. Why choose Web API?

4. Does the ASP.NET Web API replace WCF?

5. Tell me the advantages of Web API?

6. Explain the main return types supported by Web API?

7. Which protocol is supported by Web App?

8. Name the .NET framework that supports Web API?

9. Which open-source library is used by the Web API for JSON serialization?

10. How does Web API respond to all uncaught exceptions?

11. What is the most serious problem with the Other return types in Web API?

12. Tell me the way to construct HtmlResponseMessage?

13. Explain Web API Routing?

14. Explain SOAP

15. What is the advantage of using REST in web APIs?

16. Tell me the way to use ASP.NET Web API with a Web Form?

17. Tell me the way to limit access to the web API to certain HTTP verbs?

18. Tell me the way to use ASP.NET Web Forms with the Web API?

19. How can I assign a local alias for an ASP.NET Web API method?

20. Explain TestApi

21. What is exception filters?

22. Tell me the way to register exception filter from the action?

23. How to return View from a controller in ASP.NET MVC method?

24. How do I make sure that the exception filter is active?

25. Explain REST and RESTFUL?

26. Tell me the example of Web API Routing?

27. How do you handle Web API errors?

28. What features comes with ASP.NET Web API 2.0?

29. How can we prevent the use of specific HTTP verbs in a Web API?

30. How do I deal with complex types in Web API?

31. Generate code for passing ArrayList in Web API?

32. 32) What are the tools or APIs you use to develop and test web services?

33. Explain REST?

34. How can I unit test a Web API?

35. How can we prevent access to a specific HTTP verb?

36. What is the purpose of DelegatingHandler?

37. Generate a code which displays How we can return 404 errors from HttpError?

38. How can we handle errors using HttpError in Web APIs?

39. What is the difference between WebAPI and WCF?

40. State differences between MVC and WebAPI

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Web API Interview Questions and Answers

1. Explain Web API?

It is a framework that helps you to create HTTP services.

2. Who is able to consume the Web API?

WebAPI can be consumed by any client who supports HTTP verbs such as GET, PUT, DELETE, POST. As they don’t require much configuration, it can easily consume by any client. Even portable devices like Mobiles can easily consume WebAPI.

3. Why choose Web API?

  • This programming language is especially useful when you are making a simple non-SOAP-based HTTP Service.
  • Web API makes creating applications extremely easy with WCF REST Services
  • It is based on HTTP and exposed, define and consume in a RESTful way.
  • It’s lightweight, ideal for devices with limited bandwidth, such as smartphones.

4. Does the ASP.NET Web API replace WCF?

ASP.NET Web API is not a replacement for WCF. You can build non-SOAP-based services using either the XML or JSON format.

5. Tell me the advantages of Web API?

Advantages of Web API are:

  • OData
  • Model Bindings
  • Content Negotiation
  • Self-Hosting
  • Filters
  • Routing

6. Explain the main return types supported by Web API?

An HTTP Web API controller action can return the following values.

  • Void – It will return empty.
  • HttpResponseMessage – The response will be converted into an HTTP message.
  • IHttpActionResult – Internally, the request object makes a call to ExecuteAsync to create an HttpResponseMessage object.
  • Other types – You may put the serialized return value into the response body

7. Which protocol is supported by Web App?

Web App supports HTTP protocol.

8. Name the .NET framework that supports Web API?

Web API is supported in version NET 4.0 and higher.

9. Which open-source library is used by the Web API for JSON serialization?

The Web API is built on the Json.NET library to serialize JSON data.

10. How does Web API respond to all uncaught exceptions?

500 – Internal Server Error

11. What is the most serious problem with the Other return types in Web API?

The biggest disadvantage to this approach is that the HTTP server will not return an error code like 404 error of its own.

12. Tell me the way to construct HtmlResponseMessage?

public class TestController : ApiController


public HttpResponseMessage Get()


HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "value");

response.Content = new StringContent("Testing", Encoding.Unicode);

response.Headers.CacheControl = new CacheControlHeaderValue()


MaxAge = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20)


return response;



13. Explain Web API Routing?

It is pattern matching exactly as in MVC. All routes are defined in Route Tables.
For example:

Name: "ExampleWebAPIRoute",

routeTemplate: “api/{controller}/{id}

defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional}

14. Explain SOAP

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a standardized XML-based messaging protocol in web services. It is meant to be compatible with most existing web services protocols and allows sending messages over HTTP or JMS, but it can also be used for more specialized purposes. The Network Information Service (NIS) was developed as a messaging system, allowing users to exchange computer data over the network.

15. What is the advantage of using REST in web APIs?

RESTful web services are best suited for mobile applications as the method uses less data than traditional SOAP-based architecture. The API also supports the HTTP protocol. It’s basically returning back to the traditional methods for communicating via HTTP.

16. Tell me the way to use ASP.NET Web API with a Web Form?

The use of ASP.NET Web API with a Web Form can be performed in three simple steps:

  1. Create an API controller,
  2. Add a routing table to the Application_Start method of Global.asax
  3. Then you should make a jQuery AJAX call to the Web API method and receive the data.

17. Tell me the way to limit access to the web API to certain HTTP verbs?

Attribute-based programming plays a major role. You can easily allow certain methods to be called only with the use of particular HTTP method.

18. Tell me the way to use ASP.NET Web Forms with the Web API?

ASP .NET MVC enables developers to integrate Web API into their web forms. Also, MVC and Web API work well together, as The .NET web form.

19. How can I assign a local alias for an ASP.NET Web API method?

By using “ActionName” attribute we can give alias name for Web API action:



public void UpdateStudent(Student aStudent)




20. Explain TestApi

It is basically a utility library of API. Using this library, tester developers can create test tools and automated tests for a wide variety of .Net applications utilizing data structure and algorithms.

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Web API Interview Questions and Answers

21. What is exception filters?

When an exception occurs, the code in a controller method stops executing until an exception handler catches it. The exception’s reason could be anything. An exception filter is a class that implements the “IExceptionFilter” interface.

22. Tell me the way to register exception filter from the action?

By using the following code:


public TestCustomer GetMyTestCustomer(int custid)


//write the code


23. How to return View from a controller in ASP.NET MVC method?

It is impossible to return a view from a controller within an ASP.NET Web API application. The ASP.NET Web API sends out HTTP responses which are known as JSON responses. ASP.NET MVC can also be used with applications created in ASP.NET.

24. How do I make sure that the exception filter is active?

It is possible to define exception filters globally using the following code:



25. Explain REST and RESTFUL?

REST (Representational State Transfer) is an approach to freshly write a web app.

RESTFUL: It is a procedure of applying REST architectural concepts. It pays attention on system resources and its state that need to be transported over HTTP protocol

26. Tell me the example of Web API Routing?


name: "MyRoute,"//route name

routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",//as you can see "API" is at the beginning.

defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }


27. How do you handle Web API errors?

There are several ways to handle errors when programming using the Web API. They include HttpError, Exception Filters, HttpResponseException, and Registering Exception Filters.

28. What features comes with ASP.NET Web API 2.0?

Some key features of ASP .NET Web API 2.0 include:

  • Attribute Routing
  • Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
  • External Authentication
  • Open Web Interface NET
  • HttpActionResult
  • Web API OData

29. How can we prevent the use of specific HTTP verbs in a Web API?

You can use different Attributes (like HTTP verbs) in your Web API controller methods.

A web server can be defined to restrict access based on HTTP verbs.



public void Method1(Class obj)



30. How do I deal with complex types in Web API?

There are two ways to pass the complex types in the Web API that is by using ArrayList and Newtonsoft’s array.

31. Generate code for passing ArrayList in Web API?

ArrayList paramList = new ArrayList();

Category c = new Category { CategoryId = 1, CategoryName =“MobilePhones”};

Product p = new Product { Productcode = 1, Name = “MotoG”, Price = 15500, CategoryID = 1 };



32. 32) What are the tools or APIs you use to develop and test web services?

Web testing tools for REST APIs include:

  • Jersey API
  • CFX
  • Axis
  • Restlet

33. Explain REST?

REST (REpresentational State Transfer) architecture defines a style for structuring web-services. It follows defined guidelines for building services which are scalable. This style uses HTTP protocol with verbs like GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE to manipulate resources.

34. How can I unit test a Web API?

You can use web-based testing tools like Fiddler.

There are things that should be done if you’re going to use Fiddler.

Fiddler –Compose Tab -> Enter Request Headers -> Enter the Request Body and execute

35. How can we prevent access to a specific HTTP verb?

The vast majority of programs are written using attribute-based coding. Web API can be used to restrict access to certain methods with the aid of HTTP verbs. It’s also possible to define HTTP verbs as an attribute over method.

36. What is the purpose of DelegatingHandler?

DelegatingHandler is an OWIN middleware used in Web API that represents Message Handlers before routing.

37. Generate a code which displays How we can return 404 errors from HttpError?

string message = string.Format(“TestCustomer id = {0} not found”, customerid);

return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, message);

38. How can we handle errors using HttpError in Web APIs?

It uses the exception classes that were supplied by an HTTP response. Using the “CreateErrorResponse” method allows you to use an HTTP extension method to return the result of an HTTP request.

39. What is the difference between WebAPI and WCF?

Services are expected to support XML-RPC, WebDAV, and other protocols. WebAPI services use a different communication protocol than SOAP, so they are lighter. When the server is restarted, less data needs to be transferred due to this change. There’s no need for a lot of configuration. You can also interact with the service by using HTTP verbs.

40. State differences between MVC and WebAPI

MVC (Model View Controller) is a software design pattern for writing graphical UIs. Views are used for constructing user interfaces.

The Web API is a set of programming interfaces for creating HTTP services so it is utilized for creating web services.

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