Scala Interview Questions

Top 50 Scala Interview Questions for 2022 Job Interview Preparation

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On this page, we have provided you with a list of frequently asked technical interview questions on Scala. This programming language is highly used and in demand by big corporations so be up-to-date here you’ll get Scala Interview Questions. From this page, you can prepare the given Scala Interview Questions and Answers and crack the interview rounds. This technical language is required at all levels and that is why you’ll get the combination of beginner, advanced and experienced interview questions on Scala.

About Scala: Scala can be used for both functional and Object-oriented programming. It is a programming language that executes on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Its vast array of libraries makes Scala the most adopted language for developing websites. With the help of Scala, Spark developers can write better and more performant programs by using powerful features like tuples, macros, and functions.

Scala Interview Questions

1. Define Scala?

2. Define ‘Scala set’?

3. Explain a ‘Scala map’?

4. Tell me some advantages of Scala?

5. State the reasons why Scala is better than other programming languages?

6. Explain Scala variables?

7. Differentiate between an object and a class?

8. Explain recursion tail in scala?

9. Explain ‘scala trait’ in scala?

10. When to use traits?

11. Explain Case Classes?

12. Tell me the use of tuples in Scala?

13. Explain function currying in Scala?

14. Explain implicit parameters in Scala?

15. Explain a closure in Scala?

16. Explain Monad in Scala?

17. Explain Scala anonymous function?

18. Explain Scala higher-order functions?

19. Differentiate between var and value?

20. Explain option, some and none in scala?

21. Tell me how do I append to the list?

22. Tell the way to format a string?

23. Why does scala choose immutability?

24. Name the four types of Scala identifiers?

25. Name the different types of Scala literals?

26. Scala is a Functional and Object-oriented Programming Language. Explain?

27. Name a few Frameworks of Scala?

28. What do you understand about Streams in Scala?

29. Name some Operators in Scala.

30. Why do we require an App in Scala?

31. Differentiate between Nil, Null, None, and Nothing.

32. Define extend Keyword?

33. Define implicit classes with syntax

34. Explain three default Packages in Scala?

35. Make a syntax to define a function in Scala?

36. Tell us how you can compile a Scala code?

37. Describe the functionality of Yield.

38. Explain Loops in Scala.

39. Generate an Infinite loop

40. Create a Syntax for function declaration in Scala?

41. Tell the way to Concatenate two Strings?

42. Describe any five-string methods.

43. Define Extractors in Scala

44. Tell the result of x+y*z and why?

45. Explain an Auxiliary constructor

46. Create a program to show recursion

47. Explain literals?

48. Name the types of literal:

49. Explain BitSet.

50. Explain ofDim()?

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Scala Interview Questions and Answers

1. Define Scala?

It is an object functioning programming and scripting language used to design general software applications that concisely bring solutions.

2. Define ‘Scala set’?

A Scala set is a group of pairwise elements of a similar type. The Scala set doesn’t include any identical elements. Mutable and immutable are two kinds of Scala sets.

3. Explain a ‘Scala map’?

Scala map is a group of key or value pairs. Depending on the key any value can be recovered. In a Map, values are not unique but keys are.

4. Tell me some advantages of Scala?

  • High maintainability and productivity
  • Less error-prone functional style
  • High scalability
  • Provides features of concurrent programming
  • High testability

5. State the reasons why Scala is better than other programming languages?

  • In Scala, the arrays use regular generics, whereas arrays are bolted and have overlapping behaviors in other languages.
  • Persistent immutable groups are the default and built into the traditional library.
  • Scala lets ‘if blocks’, ‘for-yield loops’, and ‘code’ in braces to return a value.
  • Singleton has singleton objects instead of classic static as in C++/Java/ C#. It is a cleaner solution
  • Scala has no boilerplate code
  • Scala has native tuples and a concise code
  • Scala has immutable “val” as a first-class language feature.

6. Explain Scala variables?

Scala has two conditions that are values and variables. A value variable is regular and cannot be altered once assigned. A constant variable is immutable on the other hand, is mutable, and you can modify the value.

The types of variables are

var myVar : Int=0;

val myVal: Int=1;

7. Differentiate between an object and a class?

A class describes a type in terms of techniques and composition of other types. A class is a design of the object. Whereas, an object is a singleton which is like an instance of a class that is special. An unidentified class is made for every object in the code, it receives from whatever classes you declared object to execute.

8. Explain recursion tail in scala?

A function that calls itself is known as recursion in scala like a function ‘A’ calls function ‘B’, which further calls the function ‘C’. It is a method used often in practical programming. For a tail-recursive, the call back is the last function to be executed.

9. Explain ‘scala trait’ in scala?

‘Traits’ are used to describe object types defined by the signature of the supported techniques. Scala permits it to be partially executed but traits might not have constructor parameters. A trait includes methods and field definition, by combining them into classes it can be reused.

10. When to use traits?

There is no explicit rule for that, but there is a procedure that you can follow.

  • If the behavior is not reused, then create a concrete class.
  • Use an abstract class to inherit it in Java code.
  • If efficiency is a preference then lean towards using a class
  • Create a trait if it will be reused in numerous and unrelated classes. In various parts of the class, hierarchy is the only trait that can be combined into various parts.
  • Use abstract class if you want to split it in compiled form and expect outside combinations to write classes inheriting from it.

11. Explain Case Classes?

Case classes give a recursive decomposition method via pattern matching. It is standard classes that export their constructor parameters. The case classes constructor parameters can be accessed directly and used as public values.

12. Tell me the use of tuples in Scala?

Scala tuples merge a fixed number of items so they can be enacted around as a whole. It is immutable and can carry objects of various types, dissimilar to an array or list.

13. Explain function currying in Scala?

Currying is the method of changing a function that takes various arguments into a function that accepts a single argument. Many programming languages use the same techniques as Haskell and LISP which are supported by Scala.

14. Explain implicit parameters in Scala?

It is the process that permits parameters of a method to be “found”. It is the same as default parameters, but it has a separate mechanism for discovering the “default” value. It is a parameter to a constructor or method that is characterized as implicit. This indicates if a parameter value is not given then the compiler will look for an “implicit” value specified within a scope.

15. Explain a closure in Scala?

It is a function whose return value relies on the value of the variables announced outside the function.

16. Explain Monad in Scala?

It is an object that wraps other objects. You clear the Monad mini-programs that are functions, to execute the data manipulation of the underlying object rather than manipulating the object directly. Monad selects how to apply the code to the underlying object.

17. Explain Scala anonymous function?

Anonymous functions are also known as ‘function literals’ and at execution time, function literals are instantiated into objects which are known as function values. Scala gives a fairly easy syntax for describing anonymous functions.

18. Explain Scala higher-order functions?

These are functions that carry different functions as parameters, or whose outcome is a function. For example: apply () function takes another function ‘f’ and a value ‘v’ and uses a function to v.

object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
println( apply( layout, 10) )
def apply(f: Int => String, v: Int) = f(v)
def layout[A](x: A) = "[" + x.toString() + "]"
When the above code is compiled and performed, it produces the following result.
C:/>scalac Test.scala
C:/>scala Test

19. Differentiate between var and value?

In scala, you can determine a variable using a val or var keywords. Once the variable is declared using val, you are not able to modify the reference to point to another reference. The variables determined using var keywords are mutable and can be modified any number of times.

20. Explain option, some and none in scala?

‘Option’ is a Scala generic type that can either be ‘some’ or ‘none’ generic value. ‘Queue’ frequently uses it to define primitives that may be null.

21. Tell me how do I append to the list?

In scala to append into a list, use “:+” single value
var myList = List.empty[String]
myList :+= "a"
myList :+= "b"
myList :+= "c"
use++ for appending a list
var myList = List.empty[String]
myList ++= List("a", "b", "c")

22. Tell the way to format a string?

Use the .format () method to format a string in scala, you can use

Val formatted= “%s %i”.format (mystring.myInt)

23. Why does scala choose immutability?

Scala chooses immutability in design and multiple cases use it as default. Immutability can assist in dealing with equivalency issues or concurrent programs.

24. Name the four types of Scala identifiers?

  • Alphanumeric identifiers
  • Operator identifiers
  • Mixed identifiers
  • Literal identifiers

25. Name the different types of Scala literals?

  • Integer literals
  • Floating-point literals
  • Boolean literals
  • Symbol literals
  • Character literals
  • String literals
  • Multi-Line strings

26. Scala is a Functional and Object-oriented Programming Language. Explain?

Scala takes every single value as an Object which also contains Functions. Hence, Scala is a combination of both Object-oriented Functional and Object-oriented programming features.

27. Name a few Frameworks of Scala?

  • Akka Framework
  • Bowler Framework
  • Play Framework
  • Spark Framework
  • Neo4j Framework
  • Lift Framework
  • Scalding Framework

28. What do you understand about Streams in Scala?

Simply, we describe Stream as a Lazy list that evaluates the elements only when it ought to. This sort of lazy analysis improves the performance of the program.

29. Name some Operators in Scala.

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Relational Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Logical Operators

30. Why do we require an App in Scala?

The app is a helper class that contains the primary method and its members concurrent. The App trait can be utilized to instantly turn objects into working programs. We can extend App classes to affect the executable code.

object Jobinterviewninjas extends App{ println(“Hello World”) }

31. Differentiate between Nil, Null, None, and Nothing.

Nil, Null, None, Nothing, and Unit are all used to define empty values in Scala.

  • Null refers to the lack of data, and its type is Null with a capital N.
  • Null is believed to be a list that includes zero items. Essentially, it means the end of the list.
  • Nothing is also a trait without instances.
  • None denotes a sensible return value.
  • Unit is the return type for functions that return no value.

32. Define extend Keyword?

You can extend a base Scala class plan to an Inherited class in the similar way it is done in Java by using extends keyword, but there are two limitations: method Overriding needs the override keyword, and only the main constructor can allow parameters to the base Constructor. For example:

println("How to extend abstract class Parent and define a sub-class of Parent called Child")
  class Child=(name:String)extends Parent(name){
     override def printName:Unit= println(name)
 object Child {
  def apply(name:String):Parent={
  new Child(name)

33. Define implicit classes with syntax

Implicit classes permit implicit conversations with the class’s main constructor when the class is in scope. An implicit class is a class labeled with the “implicit” keyword. This characteristic was introduced in Scala 2.10 version.
  object {
      implicit class Data type) {
          def Unit = xyz

34. Explain three default Packages in Scala?

  • Java.lang._: This package provides classes that are introductory to the format of the Java programming language.
  • This Package helps in importing every class in Scala for input-output resources.
  • PreDef: It provides type aliases for types that are generally used, like the immutable group types Map, Set, and the List constructors

35. Make a syntax to define a function in Scala?

To define the Function in Scala use def keyword. for Example 
object add {
   def addInt( a:Int, b:Int ) : Int = {
      var sum:Int = 0
      sum = a + b
      return sum

36. Tell us how you can compile a Scala code?

Code is written in Scala IDE or a Scala REPL, and then it is transformed into a Byte code and moved to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) for compilation.

37. Describe the functionality of Yield.

Yield is used with a loop; it creates a value for each iteration. Another way to yield is to utilize map/ flatMap and filter with nomads.

for (i <- 1 to 5) yield i

38. Explain Loops in Scala.

  • While Loop: It reiterates a statement or bunch of statements when a given condition is true. It tests the condition before performing the loop body.
  • Do-While: It is the same as a while statement but it tests the condition at the end of the loop body.
  • For: Runs a series of statements multiple times and shortens the code that controls the loop variable.
  • Break: It is a loop control statement that ends the loop statement and moves execution to the statement instantly following the loop.

39. Generate an Infinite loop

If a condition never returns false then a loop becomes an Infinite loop. If Scala the while loop is found the best to execute an infinite loop.

The following program executes an infinite loop.
object Demo {
   def main(args: Array[String]) {
      var a = 10;
       //An infinite loop.
      while( true ){
         println( "Value of a: " + a );

40. Create a Syntax for function declaration in Scala?

The Syntax for function declaration is as follows:
def functionName ([list of parameters]) : [return type] = {
   function body
   return [expression]

41. Tell the way to Concatenate two Strings?

To perform string concatenation in Scala you can use any three methods:


“My name is “.concat(“Zara”);

“Hello,” + " world” + “!”

42. Describe any five-string methods.

  • String toUpperCase: Transforms all of the characters in this String to uppercase (capital case) utilizing the rules of the given Locale.
  • String trim(): Returns a replica of the string, with leading and trailing whitespace omitted.
  • Int length(): returns the length of this string.
  • String[] split(String regex): Breaks this string near matches of the provided regular expression.
  • Char[] to CharArray(): Transforms this string to a new character array.

43. Define Extractors in Scala

It is an object that has a process called unapply as one of its members. The objective of that unapply process is to match the value and take it apart.

44. Tell the result of x+y*z and why?

Like any other programming language, Scala also uses Presidency and Priority tables. Scala performs the operations according to these tables as follows.

  • Scala evaluates y*z first.
  • Then adds (y*z) with x

45. Explain an Auxiliary constructor

For constructor overloading, we use an auxiliary constructor in Scala. The Auxiliary Constructor must call either former defined auxiliary constructors or main constructor in the first line of its body.

46. Create a program to show recursion

def factorial_loop(i: BigInt): BigInt = { var result = BigInt(1) for (j- 2 to i.intValue) result *= j result } for (i - 1 to 10) format("%s: %sn”, i, factorial_loop(i))

47. Explain literals?

Literals, or constants, are any constant value assigned to a variable. A literal is a collection of symbols used to define a constant value in the code.

48. Name the types of literal:

  • Integer literals
  • Floating-point literals
  • Boolean literals
  • Symbol literals
  • Character literals
  • String literals
  • Multi-Line strings

49. Explain BitSet.

A set is a group of unique items that can’t be recited. In Scala, non-negative integer sets are known as Bitsets, and they are described as variable-size arrays of bits loaded into 64-bit words. The biggest number in a bitset designates its memory footprint.

50. Explain ofDim()?

Scala gives us a function known as ofDim that declares multidimensional arrays using the matrix format. Array.ofDim can be utilized to declare multidimensional arrays. You can create multiple numbers of dimensional arrays as there’s no set limit

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