Operating System Interview Questions

50+ Operating System Interview Questions | OS Q&A Preparation

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Operating System is the topic on which the questions are asked in almost all the technical interviews. So for your benefit here we bring you Top 50+ OS interview questions and answers. Practice these operating system interview questions to crack the interview questions based on OS. Here we have tried to cover OS basic interview questions, OS concepts for interview questions, and all the technical Interview questions which can be asked during the interview.

About Operating System: Basically, Operating System is a software program that runs computer software and Hardware and is used in laptops, mobiles, tablets, etc. devices. Operating System responsibly manages, handles, and coordinates all the activities and sharing of computer resources. File management, running the process, managing the storage, etc are all under the control of OS

Operating System Interview Questions

1. Why do you think the operating system is important?

2. What's the main role of an Operating System? Name different types of Operating systems?

3. Explain some benefits of a multiprocessor system?

4. What do you understand by RAID structure in OS? Explain their different levels of RAID configuration?

5. Explain GUI?

6. What is a Pipe and its usage?

7. Explain different kinds of semaphore operations that are possible?

8. Explain bootstrap program in Operating system?

9. What is demand paging?

10. What do you understand by RTOS?

11. Explain process synchronization?

12. What is IPC and different IPC mechanisms?

13. Describe main memory and secondary memory.

14. What do you understand by overlays in OS?

15. Name 10 Operating Systems?

16. Define virtual memory?

17. Define thread in the operating system?

18. Define the process and its different states?

19. What do you understand by FCFS?

20. Explain Reentrancy?

21. What do you understand by Scheduling Algorithm?

22. Paging and segmentation how they are different from each other?

23. Explain the thrashing in the operating system?

24. What is the core purpose of multiprogramming?

25. What do you understand by asymmetric clustering?

26. Tell us the difference between multitasking and multiprocessing Operating systems?

27. What do you understand by Sockets in OS?

28. Explain the zombie process?

29. What do you understand by cascading termination?

30. Define starvation and aging in Operating System?

31. What do you understand by Semaphore in OS and its usage?

32. What is Kernel?

33. Name the different types of Kernel?

34. Tell us the difference between the microkernel and monolithic kernel?

35. Define SMP (Symmetric Multiprocessing)?

36. What is a time-sharing system?

37. What is Context Switching?

38. Tell us the difference between Kernel and OS?

39. Explain the difference between process and thread?

40. Describe various sections of the process?

41. What are a deadlock and the necessary conditions for a deadlock in the operating system?

42. What do you understand by Belady’s Anomaly?

43. What is spooling in OS?

44. Tell us some advantages of a multiprocessor system?

45. Explain four necessary conditions of the deadlock?

46. What is Banker's algorithm?

47. Tell us the between logical and physical address space?

48. What is fragmentation?

49. Define types of fragmentation in OS?

50. Explain the Functions of Kernel?

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Top 50 Operating System Interview Questions and Answers

1. Why do you think the operating system is important?

Operating System is one of the essential parts to make computers, mobile, tablets, etc. work without OS it is considered useless. It allows an interface or makes the interaction between installed software on OS and users. It connects and communicates with the hardware and makes a balance between hardware and CPU. It’s a user service provider service that gives a platform for programs to run on. It runs all common tasks an application requires.

2. What's the main role of an Operating System? Name different types of Operating systems?

The main role of an Operating System is to perform user programs and easily make users understand and interact with computers and also run their applications. It is designed to make sure that computer performance improves by managing all computational activities. It overall manages computer memory, operation, function, and process of all hardware and software.

Types of OS:

  • Batched OS (like Transactions Process, Payroll System, etc.)
  • Multi-Programmed OS (like Windows O/S, UNIX O/S, etc.)
  • Timesharing OS (like, Multics, etc.)
  • Distributed OS (like, LOCUS, etc.)
  • Real-Time OS (like PSOS, VRTX, etc.)

3. Explain some benefits of a multiprocessor system?

It is a system that has two or more CPUs. It allows you to run the processing of different computer programs at the same time mostly by a computer system that has two or more CPUs that are using a single memory.


  • Nowadays, these systems are used widely to improve performance
  • By using multiprocessors you can complete more tasks in a unit of time.
  • It increases the throughput and is cost-effective.
  • It enhances the reliability of the computer system.

4. What do you understand by RAID structure in OS? Explain their different levels of RAID configuration?

RAID is called Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks helps you in storing data on multiple hard disks this is why it is considered as data storage virtualization technology that combines multiple hard disks and makes it a big storage device. It makes balance by managing data protection, system performance, storage space, etc. It improves overall performance and increases the reliability of data storage. By using multiple hard disks increases the storage capacity of the system and achieves data redundancy to prevent data loss.

Different levels of RAID Configuration

RAID 0 - Non-redundant striping: It increases the performance of the server.

RAID 1 - Mirroring and duplexing: It is also called disk mirroring and it implements fault tolerance.

RAID 2 - Memory-style error-correcting codes: It uses dedicated hamming code parity I.e., a liner form of error correction code.

RAID 3 - Bit-interleaved Parity: It uses a dedicated parity drive to store parity information.

RAID 4 - Block-interleaved Parity: It confines all parity data to a single drive.

RAID 5 - Block-interleaved distributed Parity: It gives better performance than disk mirroring and fault tolerance.

RAID 6 - P+Q Redundancy: It provides fault tolerance for two drive failures.

5. Explain GUI?

GUI (Graphical User Interface) is a user interface that permits the users to use graphics to interact with Operating System. GUI is made as it is user-friendly, easy to understand, and less complex. The main purpose of GUI is to better efficiency and increase the ease of use. At the place of memorize commands, users just need to click on a button and execute the procedure. Microsoft Windows, Apple’s iOS, etc. are some examples of GUI.

6. What is a Pipe and its usage?

The pipe is a link or connection among two or more processes that are interrelated to each other. It is a functioning used for internal communication through message passing. They can easily share connections by sending information such as the output of one program process to another program process using a pipe. Inter-process communication (IPC) is used when two processes want to communicate one way.

7. Explain different kinds of semaphore operations that are possible?

Two atomic operations are possible on semaphore:

  1. Wait()
  2. Signal()

8. Explain bootstrap program in Operating system?

It is a program that prepares Operating System during startup i.e. it is the first code that is run when a computer system starts. Operating System is loaded through programs or bootstrapping processes which are known as booting. Overall Operating system depends on the bootstrap program to run and work correctly. These bootstrap programs are stored in boot blocks at a fixed location. It also locates the kernel and runs it into the main memory after which the program is executed.

9. What is demand paging?

Demand paging is a way to load pages into memory when on demand. This is used in virtual memory. In this, a page demand is only executed by bringing into memory when a location of that particular page is mentioned during execution. Some of the steps to be followed are:

  • Attempt to access the page.
  • If the page is valid (in memory) it proceeds with normal instructions.
  • If a page is not-valid then it tells a page-fault trap occurrence.
  • Check if the memory reference is valid to a location on secondary memory. If not, the process is dismissed (illegal memory access).
  • Schedule disk operation where it can read the specific pages into the main memory.
  • If the instructions are interrupted by the operating system trap then restart it.

10. What do you understand by RTOS?

RTOS stands for Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) is an OS that is used to run real-time applications i.e., those types of applications where data processing should be done instantly within a fixed and small measure of time. It is great in doing tasks that are needed to be executed within a short duration. Real-Time Operating System also takes care of execution, monitoring, and all-controlling processes, etc. all at once. It consumes less memory and fewer resources. It is used in Air traffic control systems, Anti-lock Brake Systems, and Heart pacemakers.

Types of RTOS:

  • Hard Real-Time
  • Firm Real-Time
  • Soft Real-Time

11. Explain process synchronization?

Process synchronization is a way of managing processes that use shared resources or data. It is very important to ensure synchronized execution of cooperating processes that maintain data consistency. The core purpose of process synchronization is to share resources without any interference using mutual exclusion. The two types of process synchronization are:

  1. Independent Process
  2. Cooperative Process

12. What is IPC and different IPC mechanisms?

IPC (Inter-process Communication) is a mechanism that uses memory that is shared between processes or threads to make a communication. With IPC, Operating System allows different processes to communicate with each other. Its major purpose is to exchange data between multiple threads in more than one program or process.

Different IPC Mechanisms:

  • Pipes
  • Message Queuing
  • Semaphores
  • Socket
  • Shared Memory
  • Signals

13. Describe main memory and secondary memory.

Main memory: The Main memory of a computer is RAM. It is the primary memory or read-write memory or internal memory of a system. The programs and data requires to run during the execution of a program are stored in this memory.

Secondary memory: Secondary memories are the additional memory in a computer, in the form of storage devices that can store data and programs. They are also known as external memory or backup memory or auxiliary memory. These storage devices are capable of saving high-volume data. Some Storage devices are hard drives, USB flash drives, CDs, etc.W

14. What do you understand by overlays in OS?

Overlays are a programming method to divide the processes into different pieces so that important instructions can be saved in memory. It does not require any type of support from the OS. It can also easily run programs that are bigger than physical memory by keeping important data and instructions which will be required at any given time.

15. Name 10 Operating Systems?

Some of the top Operating Systems that are commonly used are given below:

  • MS-Windows
  • Ubuntu
  • Mac OS
  • Fedora
  • Solaris
  • Free BSD
  • Chrome OS
  • CentOS
  • Debian
  • Android

16. Define virtual memory?

It is a feature or managing memory of the Operating System that makes an illusion to users of the main memory. It is a storage space where a greater number of programs can be saved in the form of pages. It allows us to have memory protection and enhance the use of physical memory. It is done by using two common ways of Operating systems i.e., paging and segmentation. It works as temporary storage to be used along with RAM for computer processes.

17. Define thread in the operating system?

Thread is an execution path that is composed of a program counter, thread id, stack, and set of registers within the process. It is called a basic unit for CPU utilization that creates effective and efficient communication and allows utilization of multiprocessor architectures to an extended scale and greater efficiency, with reduced time in context switching. Through parallelism, improves and increases the performance of applications. Threads are also called lightweight processes because they have their stack but can use shared data.

18. Define the process and its different states?

The process is a program that is currently running or executing. The main role of an OS is to coordinate and handle all of these processes. There are four divisions when a program is loaded into the memory and becomes a process, those four different states of the process are ─ stack, heap, text, and data. There are two types of processes:

  1. Operating System Processes
  2. User Processes

The different States of Process:

  • New State: a process is just created.
  • Running: CPU starts to run the process’s instructions.
  • Waiting: Now the process is just waiting for some events to occur and cannot run the command
  • Ready: All the processes with all resources are ready and wait to get allocated to a processor because CPUs are currently not working on as per the instructions passed by the process.
  • Terminate: At last, the process is completed as the process has completed execution.

19. What do you understand by FCFS?

FCFS (First Come First Serve) is an Operating System scheduling algorithm that runs the processes in the same order in which processes arrive. It is non-preemptive. First Come First Serve scheduling may cause starvation if the burst time of the first process is the longest among all the o11111111111ther processes. Burst time denotes the time that is required in milliseconds by the process for its execution. The FCFS implementation is managed with help of the FIFO (First In First Out) queue.

20. Explain Reentrancy?

Reentrant is a function in which different clients can use and shares a single copy of a program during a similar period. This is only associated with Operating system code and does not have to deal with concurrency. It major functions of Reentrancy are:

  • Program code cannot be changed or edited by itself.
  • Local data for every client process is to be stored separately on different disks.

21. What do you understand by Scheduling Algorithm?

A scheduling algorithm is a process that increases efficiency by utilizing maximum CPU and reduces waiting time for tasks. It simply decides which of the requests need to be allocated resources. Its main purpose is to decrease resource starvation and make a proper balance among parties that are utilizing the resources. Simply, it is used to assign resources that the tasks can be completed.

22. Paging and segmentation how they are different from each other?

Paging: It is a technique of managing memory that permits the Operating system to retrieve processes from secondary to main memory. It is a non-contiguous allocation that divides each process in the form of pages.

Segmentation: It is a technique that divides processes into modules and parts of different sizes. The divided parts or modules are called segments that can be allocated to the process.

23. Explain the thrashing in the operating system?

It is a situation where the CPU productivity decreases because of spending more time in swapping or paging work activities rather than its execution. By evaluating the level of working CPU utilization, an operating system can detect thrashing. It happens when the process does not have enough pages which will lead to increased page fault. It obstructs application-level processing which affects the computer performance to degrade or collapse.

24. What is the core purpose of multiprogramming?

It is the ability to execute more than one program on a single processor device. This technique is introduced to increase the utilization of CPU and main memory. It is a way of managing the execution of various programs at the same time on a single processor (CPU). The main purpose of multiprogramming is to run some essential processes all the time.

25. What do you understand by asymmetric clustering?

Asymmetric Clustering is a system in where one of the nodes is on hot standby other than that all nodes run different applications. It simply uses full hardware resources and this is why it is considered a more reliable system than others.

26. Tell us the difference between multitasking and multiprocessing Operating systems?

Multitasking: It is a system that works more efficiently in the use of computer hardware. This helps the system to work on more than one task at once by quickly switching between various processes or tasks. It is also called a time-sharing system.

Multiprocessing: It is a system where multiple processors are used in a computer to operate two or more different portions of the same program at the same time. It completes more work in a short time.

OS Interview Questions and Answers

27. What do you understand by Sockets in OS?

The socket in Operating System is the endpoint for IPC (Inter-process Communication). The endpoint is the combination of an IP address and port number. Sockets help software developers easily create network-enabled programs. It allows the exchange of information and communication between two different processes on the same or different machines. It is used in client-server-based systems.

Types of Sockets

The four types of sockets are:

  • Stream Sockets
  • Datagram Sockets
  • Sequenced Packet Sockets
  • Raw Sockets

28. Explain the zombie process?

It is a defunct process, in which a process that is terminated or completed but still the process control block and not cleaned up from the main memory as it has an entry in the process table in which it has to report to its parent process. It does not use any resource and is counted dead, but it still exists in functionality. It shows that resources are held by process and are not free to use.

29. What do you understand by cascading termination?

Cascading termination is a process of termination where if you close the parent process then the children process will also get terminated. It dis-allows the child to continue processing if the parent process won’t continue with the process which is initiated by OS.

30. Define starvation and aging in Operating System?

Starvation: It is an issue that occurs when a process has not had sufficient resources it requires to proceed with its execution for a long period. In this case, low priority processes get stuck and blocked and process that has high priority proceed further towards completion and this is all because of lack of resources.

Aging: It is a solution or technique which helps in overcoming the problem of starvation. It prioritizes the processes that are in queue for resources for a long duration. It is the best technique to resolve the process issues of starvation and adds an aging factor to the priority of each request by various processes for resources. It also makes sure that low-level queue processes will complete their execution.

31. What do you understand by Semaphore in OS and its usage?

A semaphore is a mechanism that gives a signal. It only holds one positive integer value which is used to solve the problem or issue of important sections in the synchronization process by using two atomic operations i.e., wait() and signal().

Types of Semaphore

  • Binary Semaphore
  • Counting Semaphore

32. What is Kernel?

It is a computer program that works as a central component or module of the Operating system. It handles, manages, and controls all important operations of computer software and hardware. Whenever the system starts working, the kernel is loaded first and stays in the main memory. It also acts as a bridge between user applications and hardware.

33. Name the different types of Kernel?

There are five types of Kernels named as:

  • Monolithic Kernel
  • MicroKernel
  • Hybrid Kernel
  • Nano Kernel
  • Exo Kernel

34. Tell us the difference between the microkernel and monolithic kernel?

MicroKernel: It is a minimal OS that only runs the important functions of Operating systems. It has a minimum number of features and functions that are required to be executed by OS. Some Examples are QNX, Mac OS X, K42, etc.

Monolithic Kernel: It is an OS structure that supports all basic features of a computer such as resource management, memory, file, etc. Some examples are Solaris, DOS, OpenVMS, Linux, etc.

35. Define SMP (Symmetric Multiprocessing)?

It is a computer architecture in which the process of the program is executed by multiple processors that share a common operating system and memory. If you want to use multiprocessor hardware SMP is required. It allows any processor to work on any tasks no matter where resources or data for that specific task are located in memory. These systems are more useful and reliable than single-processor systems.

36. What is a time-sharing system?

It is a system that permits one or more users to use the resources of a specific system in many locations. In means, it runs multiple tasks on a single processor CPU. It shares time in multiple slots in various ongoing processes. It also allows multiple users from different locations to access a specific computer system simultaneously therefore is why it is an important type of OS.

37. What is Context Switching?

Context switching is a technique of saving the context of one process and loading the context of another process. It is a cost-effective and time-saving method performed by the CPU as it allows multiple processes to run on a single CPU this is why it is considered an important part of a modern OS. By using this technique, OS is easily able to change a process from running state to ready state. Without adding any extra resources it allows you to handle and control different processes or threads simultaneously.

38. Tell us the difference between Kernel and OS?

Kernel: It is a system program that manages and controls all programs running on the computer or devices. It works as a bridge between the software and hardware of the computer system.

Operating System: It is a system program that performs or runs on the computer to give it an advanced user interface so it can easily operate the device.

39. Explain the difference between process and thread?

Process: A program that is currently running by one or more than one thread. It is an important part of the modern-day Operating system.

Thread: Thread is an execution path that is composed of a program counter, thread id, stack, and set of registers within the process.

40. Describe various sections of the process?

There main four sections of the process are:

  • Stack: It is used as local variables and returns addresses.
  • Heap: For dynamic memory allocation it is used.
  • Data: Global and static variables are stored here.
  • Code: It comprises compiled program code.

41. What are a deadlock and the necessary conditions for a deadlock in the operating system?

It is a situation where several processes are blocked as they are holding resources and waiting to consume more resources held by another process for smooth functioning. In this case, two or more processes try to run simultaneously and also wait for each other to finish their execution as they are dependent on each other. We can see the system starts hanging whenever a deadlock problem occurs in a program.

Necessary Conditions for Deadlock

The four necessary conditions for deadlock are:

  • Mutual Exclusion
  • Hold and Wait
  • No Pre-emption
  • Circular Wait or Resource Wait

42. What do you understand by Belady’s Anomaly?

In the OS, the processed data is loaded in fixed-sized chunks and each chunk is referring to a particular page. The processor bundles these pages in the fixed-sized of memory called frames. So, Belady’s Anomaly is a technique where if we increase the no. of frames in memory, then the no. of page faults also increases. You can experience it while using FIFO (First in First out) page replacement algorithm.

43. What is spooling in OS?

Spooling simply means Simultaneous peripheral operations online. Its function is to put data of various I/O jobs in a buffer (a special place in memory or hard disk which I/O device can access). It is used to mediate between computer software and a slow peripheral. It is very important as different devices access data at different rates. Spooling also uses a hard disk as a very large buffer and overlaps I/O operations for one task for another task.

44. Tell us some advantages of a multiprocessor system?

As multi-processors are used you will see a good increment throughout process execution. It saves good cost as they can share resources so, it increases the overall reliability.

45. Explain four necessary conditions of the deadlock?

1) Mutual Exclusion Condition: It tells the resources used are non-sharable.

2) Hold and Wait Condition: It tells that there is a process running which is holding a resource and waiting for an additional resource that is currently being used or held by other processes.

3) No-Preemptive Condition: Resources cannot be shared or taken away while they are being used by processes in the execution.

4) Circular Wait Condition: It tells that the system processes make a circular list or a chain where every process in the chain is waiting for a resource that was held by the next process in the chain.

46. What is Banker's algorithm?

Banker’s algorithm is used to overcome the deadlock occurrence. It is one of the deadlock preventive methods. It is used by a banking system where the bank never allots available cash where it cannot fulfill are the requirements of all of its customers and this is why it is named as Banker’s algorithm.

47. Tell us the between logical and physical address space?

Logical address space tells the address which is given or generated by the CPU. Whereas, physical address space tells the address that is seen by the memory unit.

48. What is fragmentation?

Fragmentation is an issue related to memory wastage. It decreases the capacity and degrades the performance because space is used inefficiently.

49. Define types of fragmentation in OS?

There are two types of fragmentation:

  • Internal fragmentation: It happens when we deal with systems that have fixed-size allocation units.
  • External fragmentation: It happens when we deal with systems that have variable-size allocation units.

50. Explain the Functions of Kernel?

  • It manages all computer resources such as CPU, memory, files, processes, etc.
  • It manages and enhances the interaction between components of hardware and software.
  • It manages RAM to make the programs and systems work effectively and efficiently.
  • It manages and controls all primary tasks of the operating system and access and use different peripherals connected to the device.
  • It schedules the work of the CPU so each process is executed as efficiently as possible.

Want to prepare for these languages:

Operating System is not a hard topic to cover and with good information, you can clear operating system interview questions. You can cover the above given operating system interview questions and answers to ace your OS interview questions. In the above section, we have tried to cover all questions related to the operating system which was asked in the Interview of freshers and professionals. If you have any questions or need help related to interview questions and answers on OS then feel free to reach us.

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