Laravel Interview Questions

Best Laravel Interview Questions and Answers for Preparation

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Here you’ll find the list of best Laravel Interview Questions to prepare for your upcoming job interview. These are the frequently asked questions in job interviews so you can prepare these Laravel Interview Questions and Answers to ace the interview. Laravel is a PHP framework so the questions related to it can be asked during a PHP interview. I suggest you prepare this topic as well if you are appearing for a PHP technical job interview.

About Laravel: It is a web application PHP framework that has easy, expressive, elegant syntax. Laravel tries to ease the common development tasks in the majority of web projects, like authentication, sessions, routing, caching, etc.

Laravel Interview Questions

1. Explain Laravel?

2. Name the latest Laravel version?

3. Explain HTTP middleware?

4. List down the aggregate methods of the query builder.

5. Explain Route?

6. Tell me the use of Route?

7. Explain bundles?

8. Explain directories operated in Laravel applications.

9. What is the full form of ORM?

10. Explain Controller?

11. What is reverse routing in Laravel?

12. What are traits in Laravel?

13. Describe the idea of contracts in Laravel.

14. Tell me the way to register service providers?

15. Where will you describe Laravel’s Facades?

16. Differentiate between the get and post method.

17. Name the default packages of Laravel 5.6.

18. Explain service containers in Laravel?

19. How can you allow query log in Laravel?

20. What do you understand about dependency injection and their types?

21. Tell me the benefits of using Laravel?

22. How can you lower memory usage in Laravel?

23. Name types of relationships in Laravel Eloquent.

24. Tell me the name of the Template Engine used by Laravel.

25. List some of the databases that Laravel supports?

26. Explain the importance of migrations?

27. Explain Lumen

28. Define PHP artisan

29. How can you develop URLs?

30. Which class is operated in handling exceptions?

31. Tell me the familiar HTTP error codes?

32. Describe a fluent query builder in Laravel?

33. Explain the use of the dd() function?

34. Name some common artisan commands operated in Laravel.

35. Explain the way to configure a mail-in Laravel?

36. Define Auth.

37. Differentiate between delete() and softDeletes().

38. Tell me the way to create a real-time sitemap.xml file in Laravel?

39. Describe faker in Laravel.

40. Tell me the way to inspect whether a table exists or not in the database?

41. Differentiate between insert() and insertGetId() function in Laravel?

42. Name some basic concepts in Laravel?

43. Explain Implicit Controller.

44. Tell me the way to use the custom table in Laravel Model?

45. Explain the MVC framework?

46. Explain @include.

47. Explain cookies.

48. Name the file that helps in creating a connection with the database?

49. Explain Eloquent?

50. List down the Inbuilt Authentication Controllers of Laravel.

Laravel Interview Questions and Answers

1. Explain Laravel?

It is an open-source PHP framework that is widely used by developers. The platform was planned for developing web applications by utilizing MVC architectural patterns. It is released underneath the MIT license and thus, its source code is hosted on GitHub. It is a dependable PHP framework as it follows expressive and proper language rules.

2. Name the latest Laravel version?

Version 8 is the latest Laravel version released on September 8th, 2020.

3. Explain HTTP middleware?

It is a method for filtering HTTP requests. Laravel contains a middleware that inspects whether the application user is authenticated or not.

4. List down the aggregate methods of the query builder.

List of aggregates methods of the query builder are:

  1. max()
  2. min()
  3. sum()
  4. avg()
  5. count()

5. Explain Route?

It is an endpoint identified by a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). It serves as a pointer in the Laravel application. Basically, a route points to a method on a controller and also informs which HTTP methods can smash that URI.

6. Tell me the use of Route?

Routes are kept inside files in the /routes folder inside the project’s root directory. A few different files are corresponding to the various “sides” of the application by default.

7. Explain bundles?

Bundles are represented as packages in Laravel. These packages are utilized to improve the functionality of Laravel. Bundles have views, migrations, tasks, configuration, and routes.

8. Explain directories operated in Laravel applications.

  • Database/: Keep the database files that also contain migrations, test factories, and seeds.
  • App/: This is a reference folder where the application code lies. All controllers, models, and policies are kept in this folder.
  • Config/: It contains the app’s configuration files. Generally, these files are not altered directly but rather depend on the values set up in the .env (environment) file at the root of the app.
  • Public/: Publicly available folder having compiled assets and an index.php file.

9. What is the full form of ORM?

The full form of ORM is Object Relational Mapping.

10. Explain Controller?

A controller is a part of “MVC” (Model-View-Controller) architecture, which made a base of Laravel language.

11. What is reverse routing in Laravel?

It is a technique of developing a URL on the basis of a symbol or name. It creates a flexible Laravel application.

12. What are traits in Laravel?

It is a set of functions that you include within another class. It is kind of an abstract class. You can’t instantiate it, but its techniques can be operated in concrete class.

13. Describe the idea of contracts in Laravel.

Contracts are a group of interfaces of the Laravel framework. These contracts deliver core services. Contracts described in Laravel contain the corresponding execution of the framework.

14. Tell me the way to register service providers?

In the config/app.php configuration file, you can register service providers that include an array where you can tell the class name of the service provider.

15. Where will you describe Laravel’s Facades?

In Laravel, all facades have been described in the Illuminate\Support\Facades namespace.

16. Differentiate between the get and post method.

Get method authorizes you to send a fixed amount of data in the header. Post permits you to send a big amount of data in the body.

17. Name the default packages of Laravel 5.6.

  1. Envoy
  2. Passport
  3. Socialite
  4. Cashier
  5. Horizon
  6. Scout.

18. Explain service containers in Laravel?

It is a tool utilized for implementing dependency injection in Laravel.

19. How can you allow query log in Laravel?

By using enableQueryLog technique you can allow query log in Laravel.

20. What do you understand about dependency injection and their types?

It is a method in which one object depends on another. Three dependency injections are:

  1. Constructor injection
  2. Setter injection
  3. Interface injection.

21. Tell me the benefits of using Laravel?

  • Laravel uses a blade template engine to build dynamic layouts and improve compiling tasks.
  • In Laravel, you can easily reuse the code without any hassle.
  • Laravel allows you to implement constraints between various DBM objects by operating an advanced query builder mechanism.
  • The framework has an auto-loading element, so it doesn’t require manual supervision and inclusion paths
  • The framework allows you to create new tools by using the LOC container.
  • Laravel uses a version control system that supports simplifying the management of migrations.

22. How can you lower memory usage in Laravel?

To reduce memory usage, you can use the cursor method when working on a large amount of data.

23. Name types of relationships in Laravel Eloquent.

  • One To One
  • One To Many
  • Many To Many
  • Has Many Through
  • Polymorphic Relations.

24. Tell me the name of the Template Engine used by Laravel.

Blade is a powerful template engine used by Laravel.

25. List some of the databases that Laravel supports?

  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • SQL Server
  • SQLite

26. Explain the importance of migrations?

It lets you share applications by supporting database consistency. Without migration, it is hard to transfer any Laravel application. It also permits you to sync the database.

27. Explain Lumen

It is a micro-framework. Lumen is a smaller, and quicker version of creating Laravel based services, and REST APIs.

28. Define PHP artisan

It is a command-line mechanism of Laravel. It delivers commands that help you to create Laravel applications without any botheration.

29. How can you develop URLs?

Laravel has helpers to develop URLs. It is useful when you make links in your templates and API response.

30. Which class is operated in handling exceptions?

The App\Exceptions\Handler class is used in handling Laravel exceptions.

31. Tell me the familiar HTTP error codes?

Error 404 – Shows when Page is not found.

Error- 401 – This shows when an error is not authorized

32. Describe a fluent query builder in Laravel?

It is basically a database query builder that delivers a convenient, rapid interface to build and execute database queries.

33. Explain the use of the dd() function?

The dd() function is used to abandon the contents of a variable to the browser. The complete form of dd is Dump and Die.

34. Name some common artisan commands operated in Laravel.

  • PHP artisan down;
  • PHP artisan up;
  • PHP artisan make:controller;
  • PHP artisan make:model;
  • PHP artisan make:migration;
  • PHP artisan make:middleware;

35. Explain the way to configure a mail-in Laravel?

Laravel allows APIs to transmit an email on local and live servers.

36. Define Auth.

It is a technique of specifying user login credentials with a password. In Laravel, it can be supervised with a session that uses two parameters: username and password.

37. Differentiate between delete() and softDeletes().

  • delete(): eliminate all records from the database table.
  • softDeletes(): It doesn’t eliminate the data from the table. It is used to flag any record as deleted.

38. Tell me the way to create a real-time sitemap.xml file in Laravel?

You can make all web pages of a website to inform the search engine about the site content. The crawlers or robots of search engines read this file to crawl a website.

39. Describe faker in Laravel.

As per the name, a faker is a type of module or package utilized to make fake data. This data can be operated for testing purposes. By using faker you can generate Numbers, DateTime, Addresses, Payments, and Lorem text.

40. Tell me the way to inspect whether a table exists or not in the database?

By using hasTable() Laravel function you can inspect whether the desired table exists in the database or not.

41. Differentiate between insert() and insertGetId() function in Laravel?

  • Insert(): This function helps in inserting a record into the database. ID doesn’t need to be auto-incremented.
  • InsertGetId(): This function is used to insert a record into the table, but only when the ID field is auto-increment.

42. Name some basic concepts in Laravel?

  • Routing
  • Blade Templating
  • Security
  • Eloquent ORM
  • Caching
  • Middleware

43. Explain Implicit Controller.

Implicit Controllers allow you to determine a proper route to manage controller action. You can describe them in a route.php file with Route:: controller() method.

44. Tell me the way to use the custom table in Laravel Model?

To use a custom table, you can override the property of the protected variable $table.

45. Explain the MVC framework?

MVC stands for Model, View, and Controller framework:

  • Model: The model represents logic to write Laravel applications.
  • View: It covers the UI logic of the Laravel application.
  • Controller: It works as an interface between Model, and View. It is a method of how the user interacts with an application.

46. Explain @include.

It is used to load two or more template view files. It allows you to include a view within another view. Users can also load numerous files in one view.

47. Explain cookies.

Cookies are small files dispatched from a specific website and reserved on PC by the user’s browser while the user is browsing.

48. Name the file that helps in creating a connection with the database?

.env file helps you to create a connection with the database.

49. Explain Eloquent?

It is an ORM of Laravel. It gives simple active record execution working with the database. Each database table has its Model, which is used to interact with the table.

50. List down the Inbuilt Authentication Controllers of Laravel.

The inbuilt authentication controllers are:

  • RegisterController
  • ResetPasswordController
  • LoginController
  • ForgetPasswordController

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