Top 40 Jenkins Interview Questions And Answers For Freshers/Experienced
Tejasvee Sharma
Aug 05, 2022
If you are looking for a career in software development, then Jenkins is definitely worth exploring. This widely used toolkit has been around since 2008, and its popularity is only increasing. In this blog, we have provided 40 Jenkins interview questions and answers to help you be prepared for your next job interview technical round. We have covered the most important questions asked during the interview, so prepare yourself with these Jenkins Interview Questions and Answers.
It’s a software construction and testing tool that’s free and open source. Developers will find it simple to integrate changes into the project using Jenkins. If there are any changes, Jenkins’ main responsibility is maintaining track of the version control system and starting and monitoring a build system. It keeps an eye on the whole process and sends reports, alerts and notifications.
Developers and testers use Jenkins for several reasons, including the following:
Developers and testers use Jenkins to detect flaws in software development processes and automate testing procedures.
They utilize it to integrate changes into the build while monitoring the code in real-time.
Because of its plugin capabilities and simplicity of use, Jenkins is a good match for establishing a CI/CD pipeline.
2. Tell me some features of Jenkins?
Some of the important features of Jenkins are:
It’s an open-source automation application that’s free to use.
There are a lot of plugins provided by Jenkins.
It’s simple to get going and put in place on various platforms.
Provides pipeline support
Fast release cycles
Easy upgrades
3. Explain Groovy in Jenkins?
As a coding language for Java platforms, Apache Groovy is a dynamic object-oriented programming language.
Groovy is employed to enable diverse teams to contribute to the project in distinct languages and orchestrate the Jenkins pipeline.
Groovy’s syntax is akin to Java’s, which makes it easier to integrate with the Java API..
Java compatibility and Development support are two features of the language.
4. Tell me the steps to install Jenkins?
Follow the given steps to install Jenkins:
Install Java
Install Apache Tomcat Server
Download Jenkins war File
Deploy Jenkins war File
5. Tell the commands can be used to start Jenkins?
Here are the commands used to start Jenkins:
Open the command prompt
Browse to the location where Jenkins war is present after the command prompt has opened.
Then run the command:
D:\>Java -jar Jenkins.war
6. With Jenkins, what is "Continuous Integration"?
Continuous Integration is a method of code integration that entails putting the codes into a shared repository.
For the early detection of code problems, the practice uses automated verifications.
Continuous Integration causes the program to check for and locate bugs.
It gives the construction process consistency.
It’s a method for developing software that prevents error.
7. What is a CI/CD pipeline?
The backbone of the DevOps approach is the CI/CD Pipeline, also known as Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery. Building codes, testing, and deploying new software version are all handled by the pipeline.
8. Explain Jenkins pipeline?
All of the tasks in the SDLC and DevOps life cycle are delivered and integrated continuously through this pipeline.
Continuous delivery pipelines are implemented and integrated into Jenkins with the help of the Jenkins pipeline, a collection of plugins. Jenkins connects this pipeline in a specific way.
The Jenkins pipeline solves a number of challenges, including keeping track of thousands of jobs and needing to resort to additional powerful techniques for maintaining deployment.
9. In Jenkins, what are the three pipeline types?
Jenkins pipelines come in three different types:
CI/CD pipeline
Scripted pipeline
Declarative pipeline
10. How do you create a Jenkins job?
You can perform the following steps to create a Jenkins job:
From the menu, choose New.
Next, you can choose from a variety of free-style jobs.
To form a new job, simply click on OK.
As a result, you will be able to adjust your job on the following page.
11. To use Jenkins, what requirements must you meet?
You’ll need the following to use Jenkins:
A source code repository, such as a Git repository, for example.
A Maven script, for example, contains a build script.
12. Name the two components that Jenkins is mostly integrated with.
These two components are often combined with Jenkins:
Version Control systems like Git and SVN (Apache Subversion)
Build tools like Maven
13. Name some of the useful plugins in Jenkins
Some of the plugins in Jenkins include:
Maven 2 project
Amazon EC2
Copy artifact
HTML publisher
Green Balls
14. How do you backup and copy data in Jenkins?
Jenkins saves all of his settings, creates scripts, and keeps track of his activity in his home directory.
Then, all you have to do is copy this directory if you want to make a backup of this Jenkins installation.
To clone a job or rename the directory, you may copy the job directory.
15. What are the differences between Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Deployment?
Continuous Integration: Continuous Integration (CI) is a DevOps software development methodology that allows programmers to combine and merge changes in the central repository to execute automated builds and tests.
Continuous Delivery: The development, testing, and delivery of software code improvements are known as Continuous Delivery (CD). The fact that the code is always deployed is the most crucial aspect of the CD.
Continuous Deployment: The final stage in the DevOps pipeline is Continuous Deployment (CD). The term “automatic push” refers to the process of transferring developer modifications from the source to the staging environment.
16. How do you install a modified version of a core plugin?
You must do the following steps if you want to deploy a custom version of a core plugin:
Stop Jenkins
Then, in $Jenkins_Home/plugins, copy the custom HPI.
After that, the plugin directory has been deleted.
Next, create a file named .hpi.pinned that is empty.
Finally, start Jenkins
17. How might Jenkins be transported from one server to the next?
Jenkins may be moved or copied to another server in a variety of ways:
By copying the appropriate job directory, you may migrate a task from one Jenkins instance to another.
By creating a clone of the job directory with an unusual name, you may create a copy of an already existing job.
Renaming a directory is another way to rename a current job.
18. Apart from Jenkins, what are some other continuous integration tools?
In addition to Jenkins, some of the best continuous integration tools are:
Travis CI
GitLab CI
19. You might have a pipeline, for example. Your first task was a success, but your second task was a failure. Now what would you do?
You don’t have to be concerned. Just ‘restart from stage’ and the pipeline will continue where it left off.
20. Describe Jenkins' work process?
Jenkins’ working procedure is as follows:
Developers must keep their code secure on a regular basis, and Jenkins monitors changes in repositories.
Jenkins detects and uses the changes once they’ve been specified.
Jenkins will then proceed through its traditional pipeline of stages after that. The procedure will progress to the next phase as one step is completed.
The Jenkins build will halt there if a stage fails, and the team will be notified via email. The code will be implemented in the proper server once it has been successfully completed.
Jenkins tells the team about the results of the successful testing phase using it.
21. Explain Jenkinsfile?
The Jenkins pipeline definition is checked into the source control repository in a Jenkins file, which is a text file. It allows the pipeline to be reviewed and improved. The pipeline may also be audited using this feature.
22. Differentiate between Maven, Ant, and Jenkins.
Build tool
Perform build operations
Build tool
Perform build operations
Continuous Integration tool
Jenkins may run unit tests and deploy applications
23. Differentiate between Bamboo and Jenkins?
Commercial tool
Dedicated development team
Comparatively more user friendly
Many built-in features and plugins are available in the Atlassian marketplace.
Open-source tool
Huge global community
Less user-friendly
Many plugins to perform different functions
24. What is the difference between Jenkins and Hudson?
Jenkins is a free open-source Continuous Integration server.
Forked by Hudson
Used by companies like Netflix, Facebook, eBay, Instacart, LinkedIn, etc.
Jenkins supports a lot of plugins
Hudson is an extensible Continuous Integration server
Continuous Integration tool
Used by companies like Logo Yazilim, TableAir UAB and OptoSweden AB.
Hudson supports a lesser number of plugins
25. Why does Jenkins connect to Selenium?
Jenkins’ testing can be triggered whenever there is a change in the software or in the environment, thanks to Selenium. The testing component is likewise automated as part of the build procedure when the Selenium test suite is connected with Jenkins.
26. What is the process to integrate Git with Jenkins?
To integrate Git with Jenkins, you can follow the following steps:
First, create a new Jenkins job and open the Jenkins dashboard.
Now, enter the desired project name and select the job type.
Click on OK.
Then enter the project information.
After that, visit the ‘Source Code Management’ tab.
If the Git plugin is pre-installed in Jenkins, there will be ‘Git’.
If it is not installed, you must reinstall the plugins (GitHub plugin, GitHub Branch Source plugin, GitHub API plugin, Git client plugin, etc.).
After we install the plugins, restart Jenkins.
To check if Git is installed, you can go to Command Prompt and type Git, and you would see various options like usage, version, help, etc.
27. Explain Kubernetes, and how can you integrate Jenkins with Kubernetes?
Kubernetes is a portable and open-source platform that is used for managing workloads and services that are containerized.
With the help of Kubernetes, the group of hosts running the Linux containers can be easily and efficiently managed.
To manage a Continuous Delivery (CD) pipeline, the most efficient way is to deploy Jenkins with Kubernetes Engine.
Kubernetes enables the creation of multiple container instances to satisfy more fault tolerance.
Kubernetes deploy plug may be used with Jenkins for Continuous Deployment.
28. What is DSL Jenkins?
Domain Specific Language (DSL) is what it’s called. The DSL in Jenkins allows us to create tasks in the programmatic manner with little effort. A Groovy Based Language may be used to describe your jobs in Jenkins. To generate variations of the job, manage the records, they created Jenkins’ DSL plug-in.
29. What is the process to configure Third-party tools in Jenkins?
The process to configure Third-party tools in Jenkins can be seen in four significant steps:
Install the third-party software
Then install a Jenkins plugin supporting the third-party tool
Now, configure the tool from the Manage Jenkins section
Finally, your plugin is ready to be used
30. What are some of the default environmental variables in Jenkins?
Some of the Jenkins environmental variables are:
$JOB_NAME - The name that you give your job when it is first set up.
$NODE_NAME - This is the name of the node on which the current build is running.
$WORKSPACE - Refers to the path of the workspace
$BUILD_URL - Indicates the URL where the results of the builds can be found.
$JENKINS_URL - This is set to the URL of the Jenkins master that is responsible for running the build.
31. What are some of the critical aspects of the Jenkins pipeline?
Some of the Jenkins Pipeline key aspects are:
Pipeline: User-defined model of a CD pipeline. Pipeline’s code takes the role of defining the entire build process, including building, testing, and delivering an application.
Node: A machine as a part of the Jenkins environment which is capable of executing a pipeline.
Step: An individual task that communicates to Jenkins about what to do at a particular point in time
Stage: This defines distinct subset of tasks that are conceptually unique and performed through the pipeline (build, test, deploy stages)
32. Let's say there is a broken build in the Jenkins project, then what can be done?
Initially, you’ll have to check whether there are any file modifications that were missed by opening the console output where the broken builds are produced. You’ll need to update your local workspace, replicate the problem, and then try to fix it if there are no problems discovered.
33. How to deploy a custom build of a core plugin?
The steps to deploy a custom build of a core plugin are:
First, copy the .hpi file to $JENKINS_HOME/plugins
Then remove the plugin’s development directory
Next, create an empty file called .hpi.pinned
Finally, restart Jenkins and use your custom build of a core plugin
34. What is the process of making a Multibranch Pipeline in Jenkins?
To create a Multibranch Pipeline in Jenkins, follow the following steps:
Open the Jenkins dashboard and create a new item by clicking on ‘new item’
Enter the project name and, from the options, select ‘Multibranch pipeline’
Click on OK
Then select the repository location, branch source (GitHub/Bitbucket), and add the branch source credentials.
Save the project
Now, Jenkins automatically creates new Multibranch Pipelines for repositories
Then to connect to the GitHub repo, we need the HookURL
To get this URL from the repository settings, add this HookURL to the Webhooks section
Once the jobs are created, Jenkins will automatically trigger the build
35. How can the parameters be defined in Jenkins?
In Jenkins, a build can take many input parameters to execute.
To define parameters for the job, select the “this project is parameterized” box.
The drop down “Add Parameter” is enabled with the parameter types list. Any number of parameters may be added in the list.
There are several parameter types provided in the list.
36. Explain the ways to configure Jenkins node agent to communicate with Jenkins master?
There are two ways to configure Jenkins node agent to communicate with Jenkins master:
Browser–If we launch the Jenkins node agent from a browser, a Java Web Start or JNLP file is downloaded. The downloaded file launches a new process on the client machine to run jobs.
Command-line–If you want to start the node agent using the command line, you need the executable agent.jar file. When this file runs, it launches a client’s process to communicate with the Jenkins master to run build jobs.
37. What is the use of the JENKINS_HOME directory?
JENKINS_HOME directory is the place where all the settings, logs, and configurations are stored. It stores all this information in XML files.
The directory contains a subdirectory for every Jenkins build job being operated.
Every directory has two subdirectories: builds and workspace., and some other files as well.
These sub directories are important, as the workspace directory is located at the place where Jenkins is building the project, and it contains the source code.
The builds directory stores the history of all the builds performed for this job.
38. Explain a backup plugin and its uses.
Job configurations, plugins, logs, plugin settings, and other items are included. To get critical backup configuration, Jenkins offers a backup plugin. This is especially crucial when there’s a problem; it prevents any data from being lost.
39. What do you understand by a trigger concerning a pipeline?
When and how the pipelines should be executed is determined by a trigger. A pull request trigger, for example, may be utilized to deploy a pull request, while a stage trigger might be utilized to define how each step in the release will be triggered.
40. What are the three security mechanisms Jenkins uses to authenticate users?
The three mechanisms are as follows:
Jenkins uses an internal database to store user data and credentials.
Jenkins can use a lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server to authenticate users.
We can configure Jenkins to employ the application server’s authentication mechanism upon which we deploy it.
As always, if there are any questions that are not included here but which you would like us to consider writing about in the future please let us know!