Java Collection Interview Questions

Top Java Collection Interview Questions and Answers for 2022 Interviews

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Candidates if you are preparing for Java for your upcoming interview then you can’t miss Java Collection Interview Questions. It is an important part of Java and mostly the interviewers asked questions related to Java Collection Framework Interview Questions. So, for you here we bring the top 50 Java Collection Interview Questions and Answers which are often asked in Technical job Interviews of Developers and software engineers, etc.

About Java Collection: Basically, Java Collection is a framework that gives a structure to store and influence a set of objects. Java Collections can perform all the functions that you execute on data like searching, insertion, sorting, deletion, manipulation, etc. Java Collection represents a single unit of objects.

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Java Collection Interview Questions

1. Explain the framework in Java?

2. Explain the Collection framework in Java?

3. What is a Collections Class?

4. Define hashCode()?

5. Differentiate between ArrayList and Vector in the Java collection framework.

6. Explain ArrayList in Java?

7. Distinguish between Iterator and ListIterator

8. Distinguish between Iterator and Enumeration?

9. Explain BlockingQueue:

10. Define override equals() method

11. Define equals() with example

12. What are the advantages of a generic collection?

13. Tell me the way to transform ArrayList to Array and vice versa?

14. Describe the basic interfaces of the Java collections framework

15. Tell the features of Java Hashmap?

16. Explain a Stack?

17. Explain the linked list?

18. Tell the methods given by the Stack class

19. Explain emptySet() in the Java collections?

20. Explain LinkedHashSet?

21. Name the collection views of a map interface

22. Tell me the advantages of the Java Collection Framework?

23. Define Vector in Java

24. Differentiate between Set and Map?

25. Explain dictionary class

26. Explain EnumSet

27. Tell the two ways to delete duplicates from ArrayList?

28. Explain IdentityHashMap?

29. Name the techniques to make collection thread-safe?

30. Define UnsupportedOperationException

31. List the collection classes that provides random element access to its elements

32. Differentiate between Queue and Deque.

33. Name Class implementing List and Set interface

34. Describe the design pattern Iterator follows.

35. Explain the peek() of the Queue interface?

36. Explain CopyOnWriteArrayList?

37. Name various Set classes:

38. Name the techniques available in Java Queue interface

39. Describe for each loop

40. Explain the Java LinkedHashSet class

41. Distinguish between ArrayList and LinkedList

42. Describe the methods of iterator interface

43. Explain methods of the HashSet class?

44. Describe diamond operator

45. Describe randomaccess interface

46. Name the collection classes that execute random access interface

47. Tell me the way to join multiple ArrayLists?

48. Describe deque Interface

49. Describe Linkedhashmap

50. Name the method used to sort an array in ascending order?

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Java Collection Interview Questions and Answers

1. Explain the framework in Java?

A framework is a famous and ready-made architecture that includes a group of classes and interfaces.

2. Explain the Collection framework in Java?

Collection Framework is a set of classes and interfaces that helps in storing and managing the objects. It provides different classes like Vector, HashSet, ArrayList, Stack, etc. Java Collection framework is also used for interfaces like Queue, List, Set, etc.

3. What is a Collections Class?

java.util.Collections is a class that includes static techniques that work on collections. It uses polymorphic algorithms to work on collections, “wrappers”. This class uses techniques for algorithms, like search, binary sorting, shuffling, etc.

4. Define hashCode()?

The hashCode() is a technique that returns an integer hash code.

5. Differentiate between ArrayList and Vector in the Java collection framework.

  • Vectors can be synchronized whereas ArrayList can’t.
  • Vector is a legacy class whereas ArrayList isn’t.
  • Vector can enhance its size by doubling the size of the array whereas ArrayList can enhance its size by 50% of the size of the array
  • Vector is thread-safe whereas ArrayList isn’t.

6. Explain ArrayList in Java?

It is a data structure that can be extended to adjust extra elements within itself and shrink back to a smaller size when elements are withdrawn. This data structure is used in managing the dynamic manners of elements.

7. Distinguish between Iterator and ListIterator

  • The Iterator can traverse the array in the forward movement whereas ListIterator can traverse the array in backward and forward directions.
  • Iterator is used in Queue, List, and Set whereas ListIterator is used in List.
  • Iterator can execute only remove operation whereas ListIterator can execute add, remove, and set operation.

8. Distinguish between Iterator and Enumeration?

  • Iterator can traverse both legacies elements and non-legacy elements whereas Enumeration can traverse only legacy elements.
  • Iterator is fail-fast whereas Enumeration is not.
  • Iterator is very slow as compared to Enumeration.
  • Iterator can execute the remove operation while traversing the collection whereas Enumeration can execute only traverse operation.

9. Explain BlockingQueue:

It is an interface utilized in Java that can expand the Queue. It gives concurrence in different queue operations like retrieval, deletion, insertion, etc.

The Queue waits to become non-empty when it is recovering any elements. BlockingQueue should not include null elements. The execution of this Queue is thread-safe.

The syntax of BlockingQueue is:

public interface BlockingQueue extends Queue

10. Define override equals() method

The equals method helps in checking the resemblance between two objects. In case the developer needs to check an object on the basis of the property, then it needs to be overridden.

11. Define equals() with example

Equals() confirm whether the number object is equivalent to the object, which is passed as an argument or not.

The syntax of the equals() method is:
public boolean equals(Object o)

import java.lang.Integer;
public class Test {
   public static void main(String args[]) {
      Integer p = 5;
      Integer q = 20;
      Integer r =5;
      Short s = 5;

12. What are the advantages of a generic collection?

  • If the developers are using a generic class then they don’t need typecasting.
  • It is type-safe and can be reviewed at compilation time.
  • It gives the stability of the code by seeing bugs at the time of compilation.

13. Tell me the way to transform ArrayList to Array and vice versa?

Developers can transform an Array to ArrayList by using the asList() method of the Arrays class. It is a static technique of the Arrays class that receives the List object. The syntax of the asList() method is:


Java developers can transform ArrayList to the List object using syntax:

List_object.toArray(new String[List_object.size()])

14. Describe the basic interfaces of the Java collections framework

  • Set: It is a collection having no same elements. It utilizes a hashtable for holding elements.
  • List: It is an ordered collection that includes the same elements. It allows a programmer to access any elements from its inbox. The list is similar to an array holding a dynamic length.
  • MAP: It is an object which maps keys to values. It cannot include duplicate keys. Every key can be mapped to at least one value.

15. Tell the features of Java Hashmap?

  • The values can be kept in a map by creating a key-value pair. The value can be recovered using the key by passing it to the proper method.
  • If there is no element in the Map, it will throw a ‘NoSuchElementException’.
  • HashMap holds only object references. So it makes it impossible to use primitive data types such as double or int. So Use wrapper classes (like Integer or Double).

16. Explain a Stack?

A stack is a unique area of a computer’s memory that stocks temporary variables made by a function. In the stack, variables are declared, initialized, and stored during runtime.

17. Explain the linked list?

It is a data structure that can hold a set of items. In simple words, linked lists can be used to store various objects of a similar type. Every unit or element of the list is mentioned as a node. A node in the Linked list has its data and the address of the next node. It is like a chain. Linked Lists are utilized to make graphs and trees.

18. Tell the methods given by the Stack class

  • push(): Push item into the stack.
  • empty (): This technique locates whether the stack is blank or not.
  • pop (): This Java collection framework process eliminates the object from the stack.
  • search (): This technique searches items in the stack.
  • peek (): This Java method peeks at the stack object without eliminating it.

19. Explain emptySet() in the Java collections?

Method emptySet() that brings back the blank immutable set whenever the developer tries to eliminate null elements. The set which comes back by emptySet() is serializable. The syntax is:

public static final Set emptySet()

20. Explain LinkedHashSet?

It is a subclass of the class named HashSet and executes the set interface. It is a well-ordered version of HashSet that holds a doubly-linked List through its all elements.

21. Name the collection views of a map interface

There are three Collection views of map interface are:

  1. key set view
  2. value set view
  3. entry set view.

22. Tell me the advantages of the Java Collection Framework?

  • Java collection framework delivers elevated efficiency and effective data structures that improve the precision and speed of the program.
  • The Java collection framework program is easy to maintain.
  • A programmer can combine classes with different types that result in enhancing the reusability of code.
  • The Java collection framework allows developers to change the primitive collection types the way they like.

23. Define Vector in Java

The vector is similar to an array. It has elements that can be accessed using an index value. Vectors include a legacy technique that is not part of the collection framework.

24. Differentiate between Set and Map?

  • Set belongs to package-java.util whereas the map belongs to package- java.util.
  • Set extends the collection interface whereas map doesn’t
  • Set does not permit duplicate values whereas map allows.
  • Set can sort only one null value and map can sort multiple null values

25. Explain dictionary class

It is a Java class that can store key-value pairs.

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Java Collection Interview Questions For Experienced

26. Explain EnumSet

java.util.EnumSet is a Set implementation that can be employed with enum types. EnumSet having all components must come from one enum type defined explicitly or implicitly. It is non-synchronous, and also null keys are not permitted. EnumSet gives methods like EnumSetof(E first, E… rest), copyOf(Collection c), and complementOf(EnumSet s).

27. Tell the two ways to delete duplicates from ArrayList?

  • HashSet: Programmers use HashSet to delete the duplicate element from the ArrayList. The disadvantage is it cannot maintain the insertion order.
  • LinkedHashSet: Programmers can also preserve the order of insertion by using LinkedHashSet rather than HashSet.

28. Explain IdentityHashMap?

It is a class that executes Serializable, Map, Cloneable interfaces, and extends AbstractMap class. It is developed for the case wherein there is a requirement of reference-equality semantics.

29. Name the techniques to make collection thread-safe?

  • Collections.synchronizedList(list);
  • Collections.synchronizedMap(map);
  • Collections.synchronizedSet(set);

30. Define UnsupportedOperationException

An UnsupportedOperationException is an exception or abnormality which is thrown on processes that are unsupported by the existing collection type.

For example, Programmer is creating a read-only list using “Collections.unmodifiableList(list)” and calling call(), add() or remove() method. It should clearly give UnsupportedOperationException.

31. List the collection classes that provides random element access to its elements

  1. ArrayList
  2. HashMap
  3. TreeMap
  4. Hashtable

32. Differentiate between Queue and Deque.

  • A queue is known as a single-ended queue and Deque is known as a double-ended queue
  • Elements in the Queue are removed or added from one end whereas in Deque elements can be added from both ends.
  • A queue is less versatile and Deque is more versatile.

33. Name Class implementing List and Set interface

Class implementing List interface: ArrayList, Vector, and LinkedList.

Class implementing Set interface: HashSet, and TreeSet.

34. Describe the design pattern Iterator follows.

The iterator obeys the detail of the iterator design pattern. It allows programmers to guide through the object collections using a standard interface without understanding its implementation.

35. Explain the peek() of the Queue interface?

It is a process of queue interface. It recovers all the elements but does not delete the queue head. In case the Queue is vacant, then this process will return null.

36. Explain CopyOnWriteArrayList?

It is a variant of ArrayList in which functions like add and set are executed by making a copy of the array. It is thread-safe, so it does not give ConcurrentModificationException. This ArrayLists allows all the elements, including null.

37. Name various Set classes:

Various classes that are available in sets are HashSet, TreeSet, and LinkedHashSet.

38. Name the techniques available in Java Queue interface

  • object peek()
  • boolean add(object)
  • object remove()
  • boolean offer(object)
  • object element()
  • object poll()

39. Describe for each loop

For-Each Loop is a different form of for loop operated to traverse the array. It decreases the code enormously, and there is no use of the index or relatively the counter in the loop.

40. Explain the Java LinkedHashSet class

It is a Linked list and Hash table execution of the Set interface. It includes special elements similar to HashSet. Linked HashSet in Java also gives optional set functions that can hold the order of insertion.

41. Distinguish between ArrayList and LinkedList

  • ArrayList uses a dynamic array and LinkedList uses a doubly-linked list.
  • LinkedList is preferable for manipulation whereas ArrayList is not.
  • ArrayList provides random access and LinkedList does not.
  • ArrayList stores only object and consumes less overhead of memory whereas LinkedList stores object and address object both so it consumes more overhead of memory.

42. Describe the methods of iterator interface

  • public boolean hasNext(): It comes true if the iterator has elements; else, it returns false.
  • public Object next(): This technique returns the element and drives the pointer to the next value.
  • public void remove(): This Java method can delete the last elements returned by the iterator.

43. Explain methods of the HashSet class?

  • boolean add(Object o): This method adds the mention feature to this set if not already available.
  • boolean contains(Object o): It comes true if the set includes the specified element.
  • void clear(): This method deletes set elements.
  • boolean isEmpty(): It comes true if the set has no elements.
  • boolean remove(Object o): It deletes the specified feature from the set.
  • object clone(): This method returns a copy of the HashSet instance: the elements themselves are not cloned.
  • iterator iterator(): It returns an iterator over the components in this set.
  • int size(): It returns the number of features available in the set.

44. Describe diamond operator

It allows the compiler to gather the type arguments of a generic class. In Java SE, a programmer can replace the parameterized constructor with an empty parameter set (<>) called a diamond operator.

45. Describe randomaccess interface

It is utilized for List implementations for the indication that they are sustaining fast.

46. Name the collection classes that execute random access interface

The Java.util package has various classes that can execute random access interfaces such as ArrayList, CopyOnWriteArrayList, Stack, and Vector.

47. Tell me the way to join multiple ArrayLists?

The list gives an addall() process that joins multiple ArrayList in Java.

For example, assume two lists 1) areaList and 2) secondAreaList. A programmer can join these ArrayLists using addall() like:


48. Describe deque Interface

Java.util.Deque is Java, an interface that expands the Queue interface. It supports inserting and deleting elements at both ends. This Queue is also named a double-ended queue.

49. Describe Linkedhashmap

LinkedHashMap is the execution of the Map interface. It can also expand the HashMap class. Thus, like HashMap, LinkedHashMap allows Java programmers to permit one null key and more than one null value.

50. Name the method used to sort an array in ascending order?

Collections.sort() method is used to sort an array in ascending order in the Java collection framework.

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