DevOps Interview Questions

Best DevOps Interview Questions and Answers for 2022 Job Interview

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If you have applied for a DevOps engineer profile then you need to go through this page as we have brought a list of the best 50 frequently asked DevOps Interview Questions for your interview preparation. You’ll get the DevOps Interview Questions and Answers for freshers and experienced-level candidates. Here we have covered the interview questions for beginner, intermediate, and expert levels so this page is helpful for you no matter at what level you are appearing for the DevOps interview.

About DevOps: DevOps is a collection of practices that collaborate software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). It aspires to reduce the systems development life cycle and supply constant delivery with increased software quality. DevOps complements Agile software development and various DevOps elements came from the Agile methodology.

DevOps Interview Questions

1. Explain DevOps?

2. What is the full form of CAMS?

3. Tell the three important DevOps KPIs?

4. Explain CBD in DevOps?

5. Explain Resilience Testing?

6. Explain post mortem meetings?

7. Explain the idea behind sudo in Linux OS?

8. Explain the working of HTTP?

9. State the core operations of DevOps based on development and infrastructure.

10. Tell me some business and technical advantages of DevOps work culture?

11. Name some DevOps tools?

12. Tell any 3three important DevOps Key Performance Indicators.

13. Differentiate between continuous delivery and continuous deployment?

14. Is DevOps a tool?

15. Mention some advantages of Git?

16. Can you tell me the advantages of using Git?

17. Whether git fetch or git pull is the same or not?

18. Tell me the advantages of using version control?

19. Explain the way to manage the merge conflicts in Git?

20. How to revert a bad git commit that was made public?

21. Is it possible to squash the last n commits into a single commit

22. Tell me how to launch a web browser using WebDriver?

23. Tell me some technical challenges you face with Selenium?

24. Tell me the use of Selenium Grid?

25. Differentiate between driver.quit() and driver.close().

26. Assume, you have 30 jobs in Jenkins you need to work on them all at one time. So, is it possible, if yes then how?

27. Tell me the way to secure Jenkins?

28. Create a backup and copy files in Jenkins?

29. What is the way to configure systems with Puppet?

30. Explain Puppet codedir?

31. Tell me the location of the codedir in Puppet?

32. Tell me the major difference between ad-hoc command and an Ansible Playbook?

33. For what Ansible is used?

34. Explain handlers in Ansible?

35. What does Ansible Galaxy do?

36. Create syntax for building a docker image?

37. Explain Sudo in Linux?

38. Explain the purpose of SSH?

39. Explain NRPE in Nagios?

40. Why do we use Nagios?

41. Explain Nagios Log Server?

42. Why do we use Nagios for HTTP monitoring?

43. Explain a namespace in Kubernetes?

44. Explain kubectl?

45. Name the testing types supported by Selenium?

46. Tell me the requirements to install Ansible 2.8 on Linux?

47. Tell me the function of configuration management in DevOps?

48. Tell me the file that is used to determine dependency in Maven?

49. What are the advantages of Ansible?

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DevOps Interview Questions and Answers

1. Explain DevOps?

It is basically a collaboration of cultural practices, philosophies, and tools that enriches an organization’s capability to provide applications and services at high velocity: developing and enhancing products at a quicker pace than organizations utilizing traditional software development and infrastructure management procedures.

2. What is the full form of CAMS?

CAMS’s full form is Culture, Automation, Measurement, and Sharing. It shows the core deeds of DevOps.

3. Tell the three important DevOps KPIs?

  • To recover from a failure decreases the average time.
  • Improve Deployment frequency which results in more deployment happens.
  • Declined Percentage of failed deployments.

4. Explain CBD in DevOps?

CBD means Component-Based Development. It is a special method for approaching product development. Here, programmers keep scrutinizing for present tested, well-defined, and verified components of the program and discharge the developer of creating the code from scratch.

5. Explain Resilience Testing?

Basically, it is a software procedure that checks application behavior and conducts under unmanaged and cluttered systems. It also assures that the functionality and data will not get lost after experiencing a failure.

6. Explain post mortem meetings?

Post Mortem Meetings are placed to examine if specific things go wrong while executing the DevOps methodology. When this meeting is executed, it is anticipated that the team has to come to steps that ought to be taken to avoid the failure(s) in the future.

7. Explain the idea behind sudo in Linux OS?

Sudo means ‘superuser do’. In Linux, the superuser is the root user. It is a code for Linux/Unix-based systems that provide conditions to permit the users with superuser functions to use particular system commands at their root level.

8. Explain the working of HTTP?

HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol uses a client-server model similar to what most other protocols use. HTTP gives a course to interact with web resources by sending hypertext messages between clients and servers.

9. State the core operations of DevOps based on development and infrastructure.

  • Version Control
  • Development
  • Testing
  • Integration
  • Deployment
  • Feedback
  • Delivery
  • Monitoring
  • Configuration

10. Tell me some business and technical advantages of DevOps work culture?

Technical benefits:

  • Steady software delivery
  • Less complicated issues to fix
  • More rapid bug resolution

Business benefits:

  • Quicker delivery of components for customer satisfaction
  • More stable working environments
  • More time available to add product value

11. Name some DevOps tools?

  • Git
  • Puppet
  • Maven
  • Selenium
  • Docker
  • Jenkins
  • Chef
  • Nagios
  • Ansible

12. Tell any 3three important DevOps Key Performance Indicators.

  • Deployment frequency
  • Meantime to failure recovery
  • Percentage of failed deployments

13. Differentiate between continuous delivery and continuous deployment?

Continuous deployment is completely automated, and the deployment to production requires no manly intervention whereas, in continuous delivery, the deployment to production demands some manual intervention for shift controls in the organization, and it requires to be approved by the higher management to be deployed in production. As per the organization’s application risk factor, a continuous deployment/delivery approach will be selected.

14. Is DevOps a tool?

DevOps can’t be called a tool. It is basically a collective work culture that integrates development and operations teams for continuous development, continuous integration, continuous testing, continuous monitoring, and continuous deployment.

15. Mention some advantages of Git?

  • High availability
  • Data replication and redundancy
  • Network performance and Superior disk utilization
  • Only one Git directory per repository
  • Can be used for any sort of projects
  • Collaboration friendly

16. Can you tell me the advantages of using Git?

  • Data redundancy and replication
  • High availability
  • Only one Git directory per repository
  • Superior disk utilization and network performance
  • Collaboration friendly
  • Can be used for any sort of projects

17. Whether git fetch or git pull is the same or not?

The ‘git pull’ command pulls any new commits from a branch from the main repository and then reworks the target branch in the local repository.

But, ‘git fetch’ is a little different. Unlike ‘git pull’, it pulls all new commits from the selected branch and then keeps them in a new branch in the local repository.

To reflect these modifications in your target branch, ‘git fetch’ must be pursued with a ‘git merge’. The target branch will only be reworked after connecting with the fetched branch (where we execute ‘git fetch’). For example:

git pull = git fetch + git merge

18. Tell me the advantages of using version control?

  • Team members are authorized to work willingly on any file whenever they want. The version control system permits us to incorporate all modifications into a common version.
  • All the earlier versions and variants of code files are properly packed up in the version control system.
  • Git, A distributed version control system permits all team members to know the complete previous record of the project file so during a breakdown they can use any of their teammate’s local Git repository.

19. Explain the way to manage the merge conflicts in Git?

Just follow these three steps to resolve the merge conflicts in Git:

  • Understand the Reason: Conflicts can be due to the exact line edit on the exact file; it also occurs due to deleting some files, or because some files have the same file names. So, ‘git status’ allows you to review everything.
  • Mark and clean up the conflict: When we open the files using mergetool, Git marks the conflicted area like this ‘««< HEAD’ and ‘ »»> [other/branch/name]’.
  • Execute commit again and then connect the present branch with the master branch.

20. How to revert a bad git commit that was made public?

This Git command can help you in that

git revert

This command is very useful as it can revert any commands only by adding the commit ID.

21. Is it possible to squash the last n commits into a single commit

For that we can use:

git reset – soft HEAD~n &&

git commit

22. Tell me how to launch a web browser using WebDriver?

For Internet Explorer (IE):

WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();

For Chrome:

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

For Firefox:

WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

23. Tell me some technical challenges you face with Selenium?

  • Selenium supports only web-based applications.
  • Bitmap comparison is not supported by Selenium.
  • Selenium won’t have any vendor support as compared to commercial tools like HP UFT.
  • As there is no object repository concept, the sustainability of objects becomes very complicated.

24. Tell me the use of Selenium Grid?

It can run similar or different test scripts on numerous browsers and platforms, concurrently, to acquire distributed test execution. It permits testing under various environments, significantly preserving the execution time.

25. Differentiate between driver.quit() and driver.close().

The driver.close command closes the attentive Browser window. Whereas, the driver.quit command reaches the driver.dispose of technique that shuts all browser windows and also finishes the WebDriver session.

26. Assume, you have 30 jobs in Jenkins you need to work on them all at one time. So, is it possible, if yes then how?

Yes, it is possible. By using the Jenkins plugin, you can work on projects one after the other. If one parent job is run, then other jobs are also executed automatically. We can also use Jenkins Pipeline for doing these jobs.

27. Tell me the way to secure Jenkins?

  • Make sure that the global security is on
  • Check if Jenkins is incorporated with the company’s user directory with a suitable plugin
  • Assure that the Project matrix is allowed to fine-tune access
  • Automate the procedure of establishing privileges or rights in Jenkins with a customize version-controlled script
  • Determine physical entry to Jenkins data or folders
  • Occasionally run security audits

28. Create a backup and copy files in Jenkins?

To build a backup, you need to set a timely back of the JENKINS_HOME directory. This includes all of the build configurations of our job, our slave node configurations, and our build history. To form a backup of the Jenkins setup, just replicate this directory. Also, duplicate a job directory to clone or copy a job or rename the directory.

29. What is the way to configure systems with Puppet?

Use Puppet Agent and Puppet Master applications to configure systems with Puppet in a server or client architecture. For stand-alone architecture just use the Puppet apply application.

30. Explain Puppet codedir?

In Puppet, it is the primary directory for data and code. It contains environments (modules and manifests), your Hiera data and an international modules directory for all the conditions.

31. Tell me the location of the codedir in Puppet?

It is found at one of the following locations:

Unix/Linux Systems:



%PROGRAMDATA%\PuppetLabs\code (usually, C:\ProgramData\PuppetLabs\code)

Non-root users:


32. Tell me the major difference between ad-hoc command and an Ansible Playbook?

To do something fastly Ad-hoc commands are used, and mostly they are used once. But, Ansible Playbook can operate repeated actions. There are situations where we want to operate non-repetitive activity then we use ad-hoc commands.

33. For what Ansible is used?

  • Configuration Management
  • Task Automation
  • Application Deployment

34. Explain handlers in Ansible?

They are similar to other tasks inside an Ansible Playbook, but they only work if they include a ‘notify’ directive. Handlers are activated when they are called by another task.

35. What does Ansible Galaxy do?

It refers to the Ansible ‘Galaxy website’ where users transfer Ansible roles. By using this galaxy you can install, manage and create Ansible roles.

36. Create syntax for building a docker image?

To create a docker image, use the given command:

docker build –f <file_name> -t image_name:version

37. Explain Sudo in Linux?

It is a Unix/Linux-based systems program that gives the capability to permit particular users to use precise system commands at the system’s root level. Sudo is the short term of ‘super user do’, where ‘super user’ represents the ‘root user’

38. Explain the purpose of SSH?

It is just a protected shell that permits users to log in with a safe and encrypted mechanism into remote computers. SSH is utilized for encrypted transmissions between two hosts on an unsecured network. It helps in forwarding TCP, tunneling, and transferring files.

39. Explain NRPE in Nagios?

The full form of NRPE is Nagios Remote Plugin Executor. It enables you to run Nagios plugins remotely on different Linux or Unix machines. It is useful in observing remote machine performance metrics like CPU load, disk usage, etc. It can intercommunicate with Windows agent addons. We can perform scripts and inspect metrics on remote Windows machines as well.

40. Why do we use Nagios?

  • To react to issues quickly
  • To fix issues automatically when seen
  • To correspond with the reactions from the technical team
  • To assure that the organization’s service-level agreements met with the clients
  • To ensure that the IT infrastructure outages have one minimal impact on the organization’s net income
  • To observe the whole infrastructure and business procedures

41. Explain Nagios Log Server?

It streamlines the procedure of finding the log data. It is one of the best in executing tasks like reporting when potential threats arise, setting up alerts, quickly auditing any system, and simply querying the log data. You can get all of the log data in one place with high availability by using Nagios Log Server.

42. Why do we use Nagios for HTTP monitoring?

Nagios can give us the entire monitoring service for our HTTP protocols and servers. Here are a few advantages of executing adequate HTTP monitoring with Nagios:

  • Services, Server, and application availability can be improved.
  • Network outages and protocol collapses can be noticed quickly.
  • User experience can be observed.
  • A web server implementation can be monitored.
  • Web transactions can be observed.
  • URLs can be observed.

43. Explain a namespace in Kubernetes?

It is a method to split cluster resources between numerous users in Kubernetes. In different words, it is valid when numerous users or teams are using a similar cluster which can guide potential name collisions.

44. Explain kubectl?

It is a command-line interface for executing commands against Kubernetes clusters. Here, ‘ctl’ means ‘control’. This ‘kubectl’ command-line interface can be operated to manage cluster resources, deploy applications, review and view logs.

45. Name the testing types supported by Selenium?

Regression testing and functional testing are the testing types supported by Selenium.

46. Tell me the requirements to install Ansible 2.8 on Linux?

To install Ansible 2.8 on Linux,

  • Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) has to be allowed
  • Python 3 has to be installed on remote nodes.

47. Tell me the function of configuration management in DevOps?

The major function of configuration management is as follows:

  • It allows us to control the configurations on numerous systems.
  • It enables us to formalize the configurations on all systems in a cluster.
  • It allows us in the administration and management of various servers in the architecture.


48. Tell me the file that is used to determine dependency in Maven?

In Maven, we describe all dependencies in the pom.xml file so that all the dependencies will be downloaded and utilized within the project.

49. What are the advantages of Ansible?

It is an open-source configuration management mechanism that enables us in the following:

  • Deploying applications
  • Automating tasks
  • Efficiency
  • Managing configurations

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