C# Interview Questions

Top C# Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Exp

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If you are preparing for C sharp job interview then this page will be very useful to you. Here we have provided top C# interview questions to prepare. In the below section we have covered basic, intermediate, advanced, and coding C# interview questions and answers for your practice. So, prepare from the given C sharp interview questions and clear your job interview.

About C#: C sharp developed by Microsoft is an object-oriented programming language. It is basically used with the .NET framework for making sites, apps, and games.

C# Interview Questions

1. Explain C#?

2. Describe types of comments in C# with examples?

3. How the C# language is different from the C language?

4. Explain the object?

5. Explain Constructors

6. Define Jagged Arrays?

7. Tell some use of ‘using’ statement?

8. Explain serialization?

9. Are we able to use the “this” command within a static method?

10. Differentiate between constants and read-only?

11. Explain interface class with example

12. Explain value types and reference types?

13. Differentiate between the System.Array.Clone() and System.Array.CopyTo()?

14. Write the code to catch an exception in C#?

15. In C# do we execute multiple catch blocks of a similar type?

16. Explain Common Language Runtime (CLR)?

17. Explain garbage collection in C#?

18. Explain different types of classes in C#?

19. Explain managed and unmanaged code?

20. Differentiate between an abstract class and an interface?

21. Differentiate between out and ref keywords?

22. Explain extension methods in C#?

23. What will happen in case inherited interfaces have method names that conflict?

24. Differentiate between a Class and a Struct?

25. Explain inheritance

26. Explain Boxing and Unboxing in C#?

27. Explain Properties in C#?

28. Explain partial classes in C#?

29. Differentiate between late binding and early binding in C#?

30. What are the Arrays in C#?

31. Explain Indexers in C#?

32. Differentiate Equality Operator (==) and Equals() Method in C#?

33. Tell the various ways in which a method can be Overloaded in C#?

34. Explain Reflection in C#?

35. Differentiate String and StringBuilder in C#?

36. Write code to reverse a string in C# Sharp?

37. Make a code to reverse the order of the given words in C# Sharp?

38. Make a program to find whether a given string is palindrome or not in C# Sharp?

39. To find the substring from a given string write a C# program.

40. How will you find if a positive integer is prime or not? Show us through coding.

41. Differentiate between Finalize() and Dispose() methods?

42. Explain circular references?

43. Explain an object pool in .NET?

44. Name some commonly used types of exceptions in .net

45. Explain Custom Exceptions?

46. Explain delegates?

47. Tell the ways to inherit a class into another class in C#?

48. Tell the base class in .net from where all the classes are derived from?

49. Differentiate between method overriding and method overloading?

50. Why are you not able to specify the accessibility modifier for methods inside the interface?

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C# Interview Questions and Answers

1. Explain C#?

C# is pronounced as C Sharp is a type-safe object-oriented programming language, and compiled by .Net framework to create Microsoft Intermediate Language.

2. Describe types of comments in C# with examples?

1. Single line


//This is a single line comment

2. XML Comments (///).


/// summary;
/// Set error message for multilingual language.
/// summary

3. Multiple line (/ /)


/This is a multiple line comment
We are in line 2
Last line of comment

3. How the C# language is different from the C language?

  • C is being a procedural language whereas C# is an object-oriented language.
  • C# sustains automatic garbage collection by Common Language Runtime (CLR) whereas C does not.
  • C# mainly needs a .NET framework to run whereas C is a platform-agnostic language.

4. Explain the object?

An object is representative of a class via which we are able to access the techniques of that class. To create an object the “New” keyword is used. A class that forms an object in memory will include information related to the methods, variables, and behavior of that class.

5. Explain Constructors

It is a member function that has a similar name as its class. The constructor is itself invoked when we make an object class. It forms the values of data members while setting the class.

6. Define Jagged Arrays?

The Array which contains elements of the type array is known as a Jagged Array. The elements might be of various sizes and dimensions. It can also be called an Array of arrays.

7. Tell some use of ‘using’ statement?

The ‘using’ statement helps us to acquire a resource and proceed with it and then automatically dispose of it when the implementation of the block is finished.

8. Explain serialization?

When we have to carry an object via a network, then we need to transform the object into a stream of bytes. The procedure of transforming an object into a stream of bytes is known as Serialization. ISerialize Interface needs to be implemented to make an object serialize.

9. Are we able to use the “this” command within a static method?

No, we are not able to use the ‘this’ command as a static method as only static variables/methods a used in the static method.

10. Differentiate between constants and read-only?

Constant variables are stated and initialized during compilation after that we are not able to change the value. Read-only is used when we only need to set the value at run time.

11. Explain interface class with example

It is an abstract class that uses only public abstract techniques, and the methods only can declared but are not able to define. These abstract procedures need to implement in the inherited classes.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace DemoApplication


interface JobinterviewninjasInterface


void SetTutorial(int pID, string pName);

String GetTutorial();


class JobinterviewninjasTutorial : JobinterviewninjasInterface


protected int TutorialID;

protected string TutorialName;

public void SetTutorial(int pID, string pName)


TutorialID = pID;

TutorialName = pName;


public String GetTutorial()


return TutorialName;


static void Main(string[] args)


JobinterviewninjasTutorial pTutor = new JobinterviewninjasTutorial();

pTutor.SetTutorial(1,".Net by Jobinterviewninjas”);






12. Explain value types and reference types?

A value type carries a data value in its memory space. Example

int a = 30;

Reference type reserves the address of the object where the value is being kept. It acts as a pointer to another memory location.

string b = “Hello Jobinterviewninjas!!";

13. Differentiate between the System.Array.Clone() and System.Array.CopyTo()?

By using the Clone() method, we make a new array object having all the elements in the actual Array and using CopyTo() method. All the elements of the current array replicate into another existing array.

14. Write the code to catch an exception in C#?

We use try-catch blocks to catch an exception. The catch block needs to have a parameter of the system.Exception type.


try {



catch (Exception ex) {


15. In C# do we execute multiple catch blocks of a similar type?

No, we are not able to execute multiple catch blocks of the same type. Once the catch code is executed, the control is moved to the final block, and at last, the code that carries the final block gets executed.

16. Explain Common Language Runtime (CLR)?

Mainly Common Language Runtime (CLR) manages program execution for different languages including C#. The architecture of CLR takes care of memory management, secure handling, garbage collection, etc.

17. Explain garbage collection in C#?

It is the method of freeing the memory that is occupied by unwanted objects. When you make a class object, it automatically allocates some memory space to the object in the pile memory. Now, after you run all the functionalities on the object, the occupied memory space becomes a waste. So, it is essential to free up memory. Garbage collection occurs in three cases:

  • If the occupied memory surpasses the pre-set threshold value
  • If the garbage collection method is called up
  • If your system is on low physical memory

18. Explain different types of classes in C#?

C# has four different types of classes:

Static class: As the name itself says, the ‘static’ keyword doesn’t allow inheritance. So, you are not able to make an object for a static class.

Sample code:

static class classname

//static data members
//static methods

Partial class: As the name itself says, the ‘partial’ keyword permits its members to partially separate or share source (.cs) files.

Abstract class: Abstract classes can’t be instantiated and don’t allow you to create objects. It works on the OOPS concept of abstraction. It extracts the essential details and hides the unessential ones.

Sealed class: These classes can’t be inherited and use the keyword sealed to do the same.

sealed class Jobinterviewninjas

// data members
// methods

19. Explain managed and unmanaged code?

Managed code allows you to execute the code on a controlled CLR runtime environment in the .NET framework. It executes on the managed runtime atmosphere than the operating system itself. It gives services like a garbage collector, exception handling, etc.

Unmanaged code is when the code doesn’t operate on CLR, and functions outside the .NET framework. It doesn’t deliver high-level languages services and executes without them. For example C++.

20. Differentiate between an abstract class and an interface?

  • Abstract classes cannot be instantiated which means that they cannot make an object. The interface is similar to the abstract class as all the methods inside the interface are abstract.
  • Abstract classes have both that is abstract and non-abstract methods whereas interface only has are abstract methods.
  • In abstract classes, we need to declare abstract methods as it uses both methods. In interface, there is no such requirement.
  • An abstract class contains constructors whereas an interface encompasses none.


Abstract class:

public abstract class Shape{
public abstract void draw();
public interface Paintable{
void paint();

21. Differentiate between out and ref keywords?

C# ref keywords pass arguments by reference and not by value. You need to mention ‘ref’ to use the ‘ref’ keyword.

void Method(ref int refArgument)
refArgument = refArgument + 10;
int number = 1;
Method(ref number);
// Output: 11

C# out keywords pass arguments within the given methods and functions. To return numerous values, the ‘out’ keyword is used to pass arguments in a method. The ref and out keywords are useful when we want to bring back a value in the similar variables that are passed as an argument.

public static string GetNextFeature(ref int id)
string returnText = “Next-” + id.ToString();
id += 1;
return returnText;
public static string GetNextFeature(out int id)
id = 1;
string returnText = “Next-” + id.ToString();
return returnText;

22. Explain extension methods in C#?

It allows us to add new methods to the current ones. The methods which will be added are static. Sometimes you want to add methods to the current class but don’t get the right to change that class then you can make a new static class using the new methods. Once the methods are declared, attach this class with the current one and notice that the methods will be added to the current one.

// C# program to illustrate the concept

// of the extension methods

using System;

namespace ExtensionMethod {

static class NewMethodClass {

// Method 4

public static void M4(this Scaler s)


Console.WriteLine(“Method Name: M4”);


// Method 5

public static void M5(this Scaler s, string str)





// Now we create a new class in which

// Scaler class access all the five methods

public class IB {

// Main Method

public static void Main(string[] args)


Scaler s = new Scaler();





s.M5(“Method Name: M5”);





Method Name: M1

Method Name: M2

Method Name: M3

Method Name: M4

Method Name: M5

23. What will happen in case inherited interfaces have method names that conflict?

The implementation depends on you as the method lies inside your class. There might be an issue when the methods from diverse interfaces expect different data, till the compiler cares you’re okay

24. Differentiate between a Class and a Struct?

Structs (structures) are value-type variables, and classes are reference types. Structs kept on the Stack cause extra overhead but faster retrieval. Structs can’t be inherited.

25. Explain inheritance

Inheritance means obtaining some properties from a master class.

Here is an example of inheritance where class C can inherit properties from Class A and Class B

// C# program to illustrate

// multiple class inheritance

using System;

using System.Collections;

// Parent class 1

class Scaler {

// Providing the implementation

// of features() method

public void features()


// Creating ArrayList

ArrayList My_features= new ArrayList();

// Adding elements in the

// My_features ArrayList




Console.WriteLine(“Features provided by OOPS:");

foreach(var elements in My_features)






// Parent class 2

class Scaler2 :Scaler{

// Providing the implementation

// of courses() method

public void languages()


// Creating ArrayList

ArrayList My_features = new ArrayList();

// Adding elements in the

// My_features ArrayList




Console.WriteLine("\nLanguages that use OOPS concepts:");

foreach(var elements in My_features)






// Child class

class ScalertoScaler : Scaler2 {


public class Scaler1 {

// Main method

static public void Main()


// Creating object of ScalertoScaler class

ScalertoScaler obj = new ScalertoScaler();





Also, the C# language doesn’t support multiple inheritances. Rather, you can use interfaces.

26. Explain Boxing and Unboxing in C#?

Boxing: Boxing changes value type (char, int, etc.) to reference type (object) that makes an implicit conversion method using object value.


int num = 23; // 23 will assigned to num
Object Obj = num; // Boxing

Unboxing: Unboxing changes reference type (object) to value type (char, int, etc.) by using an explicit conversion method that is opposite of it.


int num = 23; // value type is int and assigned value 23
Object Obj = num; // Boxing
int i = (int)Obj;// Unboxing

27. Explain Properties in C#?

Properties are public members of a class through which you can access private members of a class. The basic principle of encapsulation allows you to hide some liable properties from the users by creating the variables private. You cannot access the private members in a class otherwise specified. So, by using properties you can are able to access the private members and values.

28. Explain partial classes in C#?

Partial classes apply the functionality of one class into several files. These multiple files are collected into one at the time of compilation. By using the partial keyword, a partial class is made.

public partial Clas_name


// code


You can easily divide the functionalities of procedures, interfaces, or structures into different multiple files.

29. Differentiate between late binding and early binding in C#?

Early Binding: When the binding function occurs during the compile-time, it is named early binding. It analyzes and inspects the methods and properties of static objects. It decreases the number of run-time errors substantially and it runs pretty quickly.

Late Binding: When the binding occurs at runtime, it is named late binding. Late binding occurs when the objects are dynamic at run-time. It executes slowly as it examines through during run-time.

30. What are the Arrays in C#?

When a group of the same elements is combined together under one name then the arrays are formed. The memory allotments for the elements of the array occur dynamically.

A few pointers for arrays in C#:

  • The memory allotment is DYNAMIC.
  • Arrays in C# are considered objects.
  • By noticing the number of members in the array, the length of the array can easily be found.
  • The array members are ordered and start with the index value=0.
  • The array types are reference types emanated from the base array type.

Syntax: < Data Type > [ ] < Name_Array >

31. Explain Indexers in C#?

Indexers are also known as a smart array that permits access to a member variable. Indexers permit member variables to use the features of an array. By using the Indexer keyword Indexers are made and they are not static members.

For example:

<return type> this[ index]
// return the value from the specified index of an internal collection
// set values at the specified index in an internal collection

32. Differentiate Equality Operator (==) and Equals() Method in C#?

Though Equality Operator (==) and Equals() Method, both compare two objects by value, but still used differently.

For ex.:

int x = 10;

int y = 10;

Console.WriteLine( x == y);





  • Equality operator (==): It is used, to bring back true only if both references point belongs to the same object. It is of reference type.
  • Equals() method: It is used to compare the objects values. For example the values are int x=10, int y=10 and If x==y is matched or compared then, the values of x and y is equal or the same then they return true.
  • Equals(): Compares by value
  • Equality operator: Compares by reference

33. Tell the various ways in which a method can be Overloaded in C#?

Overloading represents when a method has a similar name but holds different values to use in a separate context. The main() method cannot be overloaded other than that overloading is done in C# some of the methods are.

  • Change the number of parameters in a method, or
  • Use different data types for parameters
  • Change the order of parameters in a method, or

For example.

public class Area {

public double area(double x) {

double area = x * x;

return area;


public double area(double a, double b) {

double area = a * b;

return area;



34. Explain Reflection in C#?

During runtime, reflection abstracts metadata from the datatypes.

In the .NET framework to add reflection just use System.Refelction namespace in the programming code to retrieve the type which can be anything from the following:

  • Assembly
  • Enum
  • Module
  • MethodInfo
  • MemberInfo
  • ConstructorInfo
  • FieldInfo
  • ParameterInfo
  • PropertyInfo
  • Type
  • EventInfo

35. Differentiate String and StringBuilder in C#?

The foremost difference between both of them is String objects are immutable whereas StringBuilder makes a mutable string of characters. StringBuilder does the modifications to the existing object. StringBuilder streamlines the entire procedure of constructing changes to the prevailing string object. As we know String class is immutable, it is costlier to create a new object every time we need to make a change. So, the StringBuilder class comes into the picture which can be evoked using the System.Text namespace.

In case, a string object will not change throughout the entire program, then use String class or else StringBuilder.

For ex:

string s = string.Empty;

for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)


s += i.ToString() + " “;


Here, you’ll need to create 2001 objects out of which 2000 will be of no use.

The same can be applied using StringBuilder:

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)


sb.Append(i); sb.Append(’ ‘);


By using StringBuilder here, you also de-stress the memory allocator.

36. Write code to reverse a string in C# Sharp?

internal static void ReverseString(string str)


char[] charArray = str.ToCharArray();

for (int i = 0, j = str.Length - 1; i < j; i++, j–)


charArray[i] = str[j];

charArray[j] = str[i];


string reversedstring = new string(charArray);


37. Make a code to reverse the order of the given words in C# Sharp?

internal static void ReverseWordOrder(string str)


int i;

StringBuilder reverseSentence = new StringBuilder();

int Start = str.Length - 1;

int End = str.Length - 1;

while (Start > 0)


if (str[Start] == ' ‘)


i = Start + 1;

while (i <= End)





reverseSentence.Append(’ ‘);

End = Start - 1;




for (i = 0; i <= End; i++)






38. Make a program to find whether a given string is palindrome or not in C# Sharp?

internal static void chkPalindrome(string str)


bool flag = false;

for (int i = 0, j = str.Length - 1; i < str.Length / 2; i++, j–)


if (str[i] != str[j])


flag = false;




flag = true;


if (flag)





Console.WriteLine(“Not Palindrome”);


Input: Key Output: Not Palindrome

Input: step on no pets Output: Palindrome

39. To find the substring from a given string write a C# program.

internal static void findallsubstring(string str)


for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; ++i)


StringBuilder subString = new StringBuilder(str.Length - i);

for (int j = i; j < str.Length; ++j)



Console.Write(subString + " “);




40. How will you find if a positive integer is prime or not? Show us through coding.

static void Main(string[] args)


if (FindPrime(47))






Console.WriteLine(“Not Prime”);




internal static bool FindPrime(int number)


if (number == 1) return false;

if (number == 2) return true;

if (number % 2 == 0) return false;

var squareRoot = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Sqrt(number));

for (int i = 3; i <= squareRoot; i += 2)


if (number % i == 0) return false;


return true;


41. Differentiate between Finalize() and Dispose() methods?

Dispose() is called when we want to discharge any unmanaged resources for an object. Whereas Finalize() is used for the similar purpose, but it won’t make sure the garbage collection of an object.

42. Explain circular references?

It is the situation in which more than one resource are codependent on each other because of the lock condition that makes the resources unusable.

43. Explain an object pool in .NET?

It is a container that has objects ready to be used. It tracks the object presently in use and the total number of objects in the pool. This decreases the overhead of making and re-creating objects.

44. Name some commonly used types of exceptions in .net

  • ArgumentException
  • InvalidCastException
  • ArgumentNullException
  • OverflowException
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException
  • IOEndOfStreamException
  • ArithmeticException
  • DivideByZeroException
  • NullReferenceException
  • IndexOutOfRangeException
  • OutOfMemoryException
  • InvalidOperationException
  • StackOverflowException

45. Explain Custom Exceptions?

Sometimes, some of the errors need to be managed as per user requirements. Custom exceptions are used for these user-based errors and are used as defined exceptions.

46. Explain delegates?

Delegates are similar as function pointers in C++, but the dissimilarity is that they are type-safe, not like function pointers. They are used to write much more generic type-safe functions.

47. Tell the ways to inherit a class into another class in C#?

A Colon can be used as an inheritance operator in C#. You just need to place a colon and then the class name.

public class DerivedClass : BaseClass

48. Tell the base class in .net from where all the classes are derived from?

System.Object is base class in .net from where all the classes are derived from.

49. Differentiate between method overriding and method overloading?

In method overriding, we are able to modify the method in the derived class that modifies the method behavior. Method overloading is used to make a method with a similar name within a similar class having different signatures.

50. Why are you not able to specify the accessibility modifier for methods inside the interface?

We have virtual methods in an interface, that don’t have method definition. All the methods are needed to be in the derived class to be overridden. It is because they all are public.

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