IBM Interview Guide

IBM Interview Process - Online Assessment, Technical/HR Round

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IBM Interview Process

If you are looking to join IBM, then you must know about the IBM hiring process. On this single page, you’ll get all the information on the IBM application process, selection criteria, online assessments, number of interviews, and rounds. Apart from that, we also have given IBM Interview questions and tips to ace the interview, so we have made an IBM Interview guide where you’ll get everything.

How to apply for IBM Jobs:

The first step is to apply for the job you are interested in. you need to make an account through the IBM career page, and then only you can apply for any role. Once you apply, the talent acquisition team will screen your CV and details, and further processes will be initiated. You can ask for a reference from a friend who is already working in IBM. But if you want to apply by yourself, then these steps will help you out.

  • Go to the official IBM Career page to apply for a job.
  • Customize the options by selecting country, job profile, experience, etc.
  • Select an appointment and go through the job responsibilities, technical and professional expertise, and other details.
  • After finding a suitable job, apply for it.
  • If you don’t have an IBM Careers account, then create one by selecting “Don’t have an account yet?”
  • Create credentials and complete the profile and apply for the job
  • You can log in and track the status of your application through the IBM portal.

The IBM hiring process is not tough to crack; you need to be prepared and clear your basic concepts. Let’s check the complete interview process.

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IBM Application Process:

Here we are providing you the complete IBM application process, which you’ll go through.

  • Apply: Once you find a suitable role that interests you, the first step you have to take is to apply for it.
  • Screening: IBM experts and specialists will go through the resumes to check whether the person is suitable for a job or not based on the details mentioned in your resume.
  • Online Assessments: After the screening, you’ll be asked to complete an online assessment to check analytical and other skillsets.
  • Assessment Center / Interview: If you clear the assessment, you’ll be called for different interview rounds.
  • Decision / Offer: After the final round, the talent team will reach you, propose an offer in case of selection, and ask for appropriate documentation. You can ask yourself to know the feedback of your interview.

Generally, the IBM process takes 2 to 3 weeks once your resume is shortlisted in the screening round. Meanwhile, the screening of resumes takes much time due to the huge number of applicants.

IBM Interview Process:

Candidates need to undergo different rounds of tests and interviews to get selected for IBM Recruitment.

  1. Online Assessment (Written Exam)
  2. Technical Interview
  3. HR Interview

Round – 1: Written Exam: In online assessment, four different sections test you on different parameters like your coding knowledge, English language, and other analytical and creative skills. The test pattern is provided below.

Test Pattern for IBM:

| — | — | — | | Section | No. Of Questions | Time Limit( in mins) | | Cognitive Ability Games | 7 | 30 | | English Language Test | 10 | 10 | | Learning Agility Test | 50 | 30 | | Coding | 1 coding + 5 MCQs | 30 | | Total | 73 | 100 |

Cognitive Ability Assessment: In this section, you have to answer a series of 5 interactive games questions presenting you with shape, numbers, and text. This assessment helps in understanding how you learn, make decisions and solve problems.

Coding Assessment: Here, you’ll be given five multiple-choice questions and/or a coding interface to solve a few coding challenges. The difficulty level of this section depends on the profile you have applied. This assessment helps to test your level of programming knowledge and ability.

English Language Assessment: This text-based assessment will have multiple-choice questions that help the interviewer understand your English proficiency, vocabulary, and verbal ability.

Learning Agility Test: This tests the candidate’s ability to do complex work with continuous learning. The learning agility questions measure a candidate’s propensity to seek, acquire, and value new knowledge, prioritizing learning.

Round – 2: IBM Technical interview:

If you clear the online assessment, you’ll be called for a technical interview or Assessment Center. In this round, you’ll be asked questions about specific technical fields, coding, programming, Java, C++, and other languages. Questions may be related to the company’s technical activities and job requirements. You might be given to write a code during the technical round and solve the technical problems you might face on the job. To get an overview, you can check the IBM interview questions given below.

IBM Technical Interview Questions:

  • What do you understand by 3NF in DBMS?
  • What is the operating system?
  • Difference between Java and C++?
  • What is a pointer?
  • Tell us more about the pointer?
  • Write about double-linked list programs?
  • What is Join in DBMS?

Pro Tips: Do some research into IBM and the field you want to work in. Clearly show the interviewer how much you want to work for IBM.

You might be called for multiple technical rounds to test your knowledge and skills if the interviewer is not satisfied or wants to refine your skills.

Learn More Interview Questions Here:

Round – 3: HR Interview:

This is the last stage where an HR tests candidate’s personality, behavior, working background, professional attitude, and other skills. Questions can depend on anything starting from introduction, Qualification, Work Experience, Courses done to your hobbies, strengths and weaknesses, friends, family, etc. This interview is basically to test whether you are a good fit in the organization or not. The IBM HR interview questions below might give you an idea about the questions asked in this round.

IBM HR Interview Questions:

  • Tell us something about yourself.
  • Which is your favorite subject and why?
  • Why do you want to work for IBM?
  • Would you be comfortable working in shifts?
  • What subjects have you done in your project?

Pro Tip: Prepare the questions in advance which you want to ask. Reply confidently and don’t be nervous as mostly the questions are related to you, and you know it well.

You might be asked to appear in additional interviews that may be conducted over the phone, through video, or in person. In the above interview rounds, you might be asked to participate in several group exercises.

Tips to Outstand in IBM Interview:

IBM provides these tips for the aspirants about how they can stand out from the crowd. So follow these to be more effective in the interview.

  • Do strong Research about the role and company: Know what the company does and what it requires from you, understand the job role and prepare according to it.
  • Become an expert about yourself: No one knows you better than yourself; you should be able to talk about what you have written in your resume.
  • Be ready with your questions: Asking questions is a good skill, and you should use it during the interview or when given a chance to ask questions.
  • Be yourself: you need to be true to yourself and say no when you don’t know the answer rather than giving a wrong answer.

You can read these Tips to Rock The IBM Job Interview in detail from here.

Here we have provided you with the complete end-to-end IBM Interview process. If you need any help or have any queries, you can directly reach us through the comment section.

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