HCL Interview Guide

HCL Interview Process | Selection Criteria, Recruitment Guide

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HCL Interview Process

HCL Technologies (Hindustan Computers Limited Technologies) is a renowned multinational IT company. HCL has its headquarter in Noida, India, and was founded in 1976. This billion-dollar company has its branches in more than 50 countries with 168,977 employees. If you dream of doing a job in HCL, then I’m saying it is not that tough as it seems. Its recruitment process is easy, and by simple preparation, you can crack the interview and get the offer. We have given the complete process and tips to ace the interview. Let’s have a look!

How to apply for HCL:

Before going to the procedure, it is important to know how to apply for HCL Careers. So, here are the steps to apply, which you need to follow.

  • Go to the HCL Tech Careers Page.
  • Select the career opportunities option from the menu bar and choose the country and location.
  • Now you have multiple job openings, and you can filter the result as per your preference.
  • After selecting a suitable role, read the responsibilities, skills, and qualifications required and if all goes well, apply for that role.
  • For applying, you need to make an account and provide your details and resume.
  • Keep the credentials safe as you need that to check on your application status.

HCL interview is not that tough, and you can crack it with preparation. A plus point is once your CV is shortlisted, it won’t take much time to interview and offer, and everything is completed within 15 days.

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HCL Application Process:

Here we are providing you the complete HCL Technologies recruitment process, which you’ll go through.

Application: Find a suitable role from the HCL Careers page. Apply for it and submit your resume with detailed information and credentials about your experience and certification for the position.

Shortlisting: HCL recruiter/technical panel screen your resume, credentials, and certification, and of you are found eligible as per the requirements of the post, then they will connect you with further details.

Technical Interview: Here, you need to show your technical skills and knowledge. In these rounds, you might face puzzles, problems, and other out-of-the-box questions.

HR Interview: In this, HR will connect you to test your skills, behavior, career goals, skills, strengths, passion, etc. You can also ask a question about your position, location, and HCL as an organization.

Offer Roll-Out: If you are successful through the complete hiring process, propose an offer in case of selection, and ask for appropriate documentation. You can ask yourself to know the feedback of your interview.


The hiring process of HCL is not that tough and mainly conducts technical and HR interviews. For a fresher candidate or campus-drive, an aptitude rest round is added, which helps the recruiters to filter the good candidates from the rest. Professionals need to attend the face-to-face rounds. So here is the procedure of selection.

Technical Interview: Candidates will be called on-site for Technical Round, but they are also conducting interviews virtually over a video call during these crisis times. The rounds will depend on your performance, but at least one technical round you have to face. To clear this round, your basics and concepts should be clear. You must have a strong knowledge of Data structures and Algorithms, Operating systems, Networking, DBMS, OOPs concepts, and a programming language of your choice. You will be expected to write codes, solve puzzles during the technical rounds when asked to do so.

Pro Tip: Know about the company and also be ready for out-of-box questions. Also, ask them questions related to the technical department and stuff.

Learn More Interview Questions Here:

HR Interview: It is the last round of the interview where HR will test whether you are a good fit or not for HCL. They will check your attitude, passion, career goals, and behavior. You will be asked about your hobbies and likings. They also ask questions that involve leadership, teamwork, motivation, and encouragement. So, having good technical skills is not enough for you to enter HCL, but you need to have many other skills to be a part of HCL.

HCL Interview Tips

Know about HCL before the interview: Do check the latest updates of HCL. Is there any news or something and read about it, grab information available on website & also research and read about company history, about its inception foray in the market

Impress with your first impression: HCL believes in the first impression, so make your first impression remarkable. Bring multiple copies of your resume, arrive at least fifteen minutes earlier, and dress appropriately. Other than these, do look at the behavior and attitude.

Don’t Just Answer. Ask: Tell HCL that you have good communication skills, which is shown by answering and asking questions. You can ask about, most important responsibilities of your role, Ask about upcoming opportunities HCL can give you in the future, inquire about the company’s vision.

The interview isn’t over yet: You are out of the Interview room, that doesn’t mean it’s over. Out of courtesy, you can send your interviewer a thanking e-mail within 24 hours for taking the time to interview you. You ask in what time frame you expected the reply and follow up once if you don’t get a response.

If you have applied for the job, start your preparation and look at the provided tips. All the Best!

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