Cognizant Interview Guide

Cognizant Interview Process | Tips, Questions & Core Values

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Cognizant Interview Process

To get a job in any organization, you need to go through the selection process. Cognizant is one of the prestigious organizations whose recruitment process is not that tough to crack. It mainly consists of three rounds, i.e., online test, technical interview, and HR round. All the details of the Cognizant hiring process are available on this page. Selection criteria are an important part where a person’s potential is tested through various skillsets and knowledge. So you need to go through different rounds of interviews and tests to be a part of Cognizant.

How to apply for Cognizant careers:

You need to apply for Cognizant Jobs first to appear in the recruitment process and get a job.

  • Visit Cognizant Careers Page
  • You can directly search in the box, search by category, i.e., Professional or executive, or choose the department you want to join.
  • Now select a profile and read its job description, which contains the roles and responsibilities of the post.
  • Now apply for the post by clicking “Apply Now” and filling the 6 step form, uploading your resume, and filling in the personal details.

The cognizant talent team will screen your resume, and if found suitable, they will contact you. Try your best to take the offer unless you cannot apply for the next six months.

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Cognizant Recruitment Process:

Cognizant conduct three rounds of interviews and test to finalize the candidate for the role. All the candidates have to go through these rounds to be a part of Cognizant. These rounds are:

  • Written Round
  • Technical Round
  • HR Round

Written Round:

The Written round mainly consists of the Quantitative Aptitude Test, Logical Reasoning, Verbal Ability Test, and Coding. For freshers, a coding round is not added as it is for experienced professionals. The test pattern is provided below:

Cognizant Test Pattern:

| — | — | — | | Section | No. of questions | Time Allotted | | Quantitative Aptitude | 16 | 16 minutes | | Logical Reasoning | 24 | 24 minutes | | Verbal Ability | 22 | 22 minutes | | Coding | 07 | 20 minutes |

Technical Round:

Candidates who will clear the written round will pursue a technical interview. There is no hard & fast rule for which questions will be asked in this round; you can expect questions on any topic depending on the panel. To clear this round, you should be clear with your basics. You should be prepared with Data structures and Algorithms, DBMS, OS, Networking, OOPs concepts, and a programming language of your choice. Students from branches other than CS should prepare for the other two subjects related to their branch. You are also expected to write codes in the interview.

Learn More Interview Questions Here:

HR Round:

Final step to select a candidate as an employee is an Interview as it helps determine a candidate’s personality. Questions can be of wide range starting from your introduction, Qualification, Experience, Industry specific experience, Courses, your strengths and weaknesses, salary expectations, friends, family, etc.

Sometimes they only ask HR questions like:

  1. Tell me about Yourself
  2. Why Cognizant?
  3. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  4. Questions form resume

Cognizant Core Values

You must have core values as Cognizant takes care of so much and on which you’ll be tested on them.

  • Have a clear point of view: Focus on serving the customer to gain trust and lead your clients.
  • Seek data and build knowledge: Use the available data and answer facts and numbers rather than randomly. Use data and facts to guide your actions ​​​​​​​and decisions.
  • Always strive: Never settle to a level, always act with agility and creativity, and keep yourself one step ahead.
  • Work as an Individual and Team: You should be a problem solver, deliver solutions, and scale you and Cognizant.
  • Make Opportunities for everyone to thrive: You need to be a team player. You must include, encourage, and invest in ​​​​​​​everyone and grow together. Make opportunities where everyone can take part and bring out the best.
  • Do the right thing ​​​​​​​in the right way: You must be ​​​​​​​ethical in your work and make proper decisions and choices at the right time in the right way.

We have provided all the Cognizant Recruitment process on a single page, and still, if you have any queries, you can ask us in the comment box.

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